First Customer

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"Okay so I understand the crystals a little, but what about all of these jars?" Eugene asked. "Well some of them are spell jars or sour jars. I only brought one sour jar. I didn't know if anyone would buy it, but it's still a great example of a sour jar." I looked up to see if Eugene was following, but he just looked more confused. "Spell jars are spells that are sealed inside of jars. Like this one for example." I picked up one of the many small jars that had wax covering it. "This one is a luck spell. Whoever has it will experience luck. Hopefully good luck, but someone's attitude can cause a spell jars original intentions to change. That is why I've never given Varian a spell jar. Sapphires is so caught up in how magic isn't real that the spell jar would just end up being a desk ornament. Or he'd break it." I said giggling.

"I noticed that you call him Sapphire. Where did that come from?" I turned to Rapunzel. "I know this is cheesy, but his eyes look like sapphires. I've been calling him that since I met him." I saw Rapunzel drop some of their things. "That's so cute! Eugene calls me blondie!" She then went rambling about how they met and her journey to where she is today.

"Rapunzel as much as I enjoy talking with you both, but would I be able to set up that stand? While I don't really have a use for money, it still would be nice to have some in an emergency." "Oh of course!! Eugene will you help her set up?" With that Eugene and I left the room with my things.

"Would you please enlighten me as to how you and the dangerous scientist met?" I laughed. "He's not dangerous and he's an alchemist. To make a long story short I went into the woods, got attacked by a pack of wolves, he found me, and the rest is history." I said smiling softly. "You mustn't have been hurt badly after your attack. Rapunzel told me that the kid can't handle blood even the slightest." I shrugged my shoulders. "Actually it was pretty bad. I mean blood everywhere. Even knowing him now it's surprising as to how he actually got me back to his home. He was trying not to vomit or pass out the entire time. He even had to take breaks so he wouldn't pass out while he bandaged me up" I laughed remembering everything we've been through. "And you were conscious during all of this?" Eugene asked. "Oh well no. I was passed out, but I can do this thing where I can lock into peoples memories. It's really cool actually! Well cool for me. It's kind of scary for anyone watching." He looked at me confused before brushing it off.

I looked at all the walls covered in portraits and I saw Varian standing on a ladder and cleaning the frames. "Sapphires?" He looked down at me and waved. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Oh Cassie said that she'd be my assistant if I helped her finish her lady in waiting chores." "Sapphires, you and Cassandra are co-ladies in waiting!" He smiled and waved his hands in the air. "That's what I said it was too!" The ladder started to wobble and I dropped the box I was carrying and held the ladder steady. "Thank you milady. What are you doing in the castle? I thought you were getting your own stand?" "Rapunzel and Eugene wanted to talk to me before I set up!" He nodded and continued cleaning the frames when Cassandra came down the hall.

"You make a pretty good co-lady in waiting after all." I heard Varian fake a scoff. "Oh really? You sure you wanna put a label on it?" I stared between the two of them for a moment. "Well I better get going. I'll see you later Sapphires and don't forget! If you really need me just tell me okay!" With that I walked off with Eugene and my boxes.

Eugene showed me where my small stand was and I started setting up with his help. "You're sure it's okay for me to touch things? I'm not going to catch a curse or anything am I?" I laughed. "You can't catch a curse. Someone can cast one on your sure, or you can become cursed by something. You don't catch it like a cold. But don't touch the voodoo dolls or you'll have to buy them." I said turning to him only to see he had about 4 in his arms. "Looks like you're buying voodoo dolls Eugene."

He looked down at the dolls in his arms and dropped them. "Hey be careful! And you better buy those or the voodoo king is going to be beyond upset at you. And trust me you do not want to get on his bad side. " He sighed and picked them back up. "And don't worry about the price. I'll bring it down just for you." I said smiling at him while I started setting up the crystal necklaces and pendants. "Does five silver pieces sound good for all four?" I asked.

"Five silver pieces?!" "Hey my original price for one is three!! Now give me the five pieces or I'll raise the price." I said holding my hand out. He sighed and handed me the coins.

We finished setting up and everything was ready to go. Eugene had to leave to go help Rapunzel with her invention, leaving me alone at the stand. I took a seat and waited for people to maybe show interest in my things. After about five or ten minutes a little girl walked over to my stand. She had really long red hair and she was looking at the necklaces.

"Are you interested in those?" I asked smiling softly at her. She stared at me for a few moments before nodding slowly. "How about you pick a few you like and I can show you what they do." I saw her eyes widened slightly as she picked up three necklaces. They were opal, angelite, and garnet. She carefully handed them to me and I picked up the opal necklace.

"This is opal. Opals sadly have a stigma against them. People say that someone who wasn't born in October can't wear it or have it because it'll bring them bad luck, but this crystal is actually very powerful. Opals will actual bring you luck and can help with magic. It can even help you stay calm in some of the worst situations that require a clear head to get through them." She stared at me with a soft smile as I picked up the garnet necklace.

"Garnet can help improve your self esteem. It can help you realize your worth even in your darkest times. It also bring you strength and safety. Garnet can even help you spread positivity to others around you." I placed the necklace down and picked up the final necklace.

"This crystal is one of my favorites. This is Angelite. Some people who forget it's name might call it an Angel stone. It brings calming and soothing energy into your day to day life. It helps you communicate your feelings to your loved ones, it's even at such a high frequency that it helps you connect with your spirit guides and aligns a few of your key chakras." I set the necklace down and glanced back up at her. She was definitely eyeing the angelite necklace.

"Which one is your favorite sweetie?" I asked with a kind smile. She looked up at me and then back to the necklaces. She gently picked up the angelite one. I gently took it from her hands and undid the clasp. I stood up and placed it around her neck. "Since you're my first customer of the day you can have it!" I turned around and grabbed a small piece of selenite. "I want you to have this as well. This is selenite. Leave your necklace around this when you're not wearing it. The selenite will recharge the crystal so it can continue doing its job." I placed it in her hands and she looked up at me.

"Thank you." She said softly while looking up at me. I smiled and before I knew it she was gone.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now