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It's been a couple of weeks since the incident. I haven't been using a lot of magic either. Every time I try to do something as simply bringing an object to me my skin starts to rip open and make different wounds all over my body. For the past few days I've been having this strange feeling that something bad is going to happen. I just don't know when or what it is. I've also been trying to make a new protection pendant, but every time I try it bends into itself or snaps. It's actually what I'm working on right now.

Sunny was sitting on the table I was working on nudging against my arm every few minutes for attention. I carefully took the heated piece of metal between my tools bending it slightly. Then it snapped! "Ugh!!! Sunny! How can I protect myself from this stupid demon if I can't even make a new protection pendant?!" I said dropping the now two metal pieces on the ground and grabbing my hair in frustration. "I've tried everything!! Even keeping the metal in moon water, sun water, and rain water!!! I tried infusing crystals into the water but no! It still snaps every time I bend it!!!" I said while pacing around the room.

"Hell! I've even used incense on it! Varian even tried to help me but it snapped! Snap snap snap!!! That's all that happens with this stupid pendant!" My voice got louder as I let out all my frustration. I sat back down in my chair and let my head fall onto the table with a thud.

I felt Sunny nudge my head with his. I lifted up my head and pet him causing him to purr. "Maybe I should take a break." I said smiling at Sunny before he jumped off the table and stood by the door. I smiled and walked to the door. I froze as my hand hovered over the door knob.

I felt my eyes roll back into my head as everything turned white.

I opened my eyes and around me there was nothing but snow. "Keep going! You have to make sure he's okay! Focus on him!" I said as I trudged through the snow. Moving slowly as the wind from what seemed to be a blizzard pushed me back. I fell onto my hands and knees. My teeth chattering from the cold and my body aching. 'Wouldn't it be so much easier just to give into me? I could get you there so much faster.' A voice said in the back of my mind.

I shook my head and started to get up from the ground. "I don't need anyone's help! I can do this! I will get there! Nothing will stand in my way!!!" I yelled into the blizzard as I started moving faster. It wasn't by much but it was something. Suddenly it seemed like the blizzard was trapping me. Snow was swirling in all directions around me. It created some sort of tornado with me dead center. I covered my eyes with my arms and I fell backwards into the snow.

'I've given you many chances to give yourself up to me, (y/n). Would you rather I take control of you by force? As fun as that sounds for me I'd rather not go through the trouble. It's not like you have much to do here. I can make you snore powerful than you'll ever imagine!' The voice said getting louder and moving to the front of my head. I was able to get on my knees as I looked up in the center of the storm.

"You should know that I never go down without a fight! And FYI demon, you're the one who needs me! I don't need you and I never will!!!" I could feel magic coursing through my fingers. It was painful, but there wasn't the usual pain. It didn't feel like my body was on fire. "And I'll never let you have control over me! I won't let you hurt anyone using my body!" I yelled up into the storm and I saw an orange mist coming from my hands. "I will make it through your petty storm! I'd rather die than let you hurt the ones I love again!" I yelled louder and the Orange mist covered my entire body. With that I stared at where I was originally heading with a sharp glare.

I rose both of my arms up and threw them down letting the Orange mist surround me completely and shoot off my body. When I looked around I was no longer trapped inside the wind and snow. It was just the normal blizzard that was there before. I sighed and continued my way to Varian's house. 'I should be getting there soon.' I was looking around and saw all of the black rocks that had appeared in Old Corona.

The entire place was covered in snow and I made my way to Varian's. I opened the door and headed inside. My teeth chattering as I stumbled my way inside. "V-Varian!" I yelled. 'Cmon sapphires.' I thought to myself as I continued searching his home.

"S-Sapphires! This isn't funny!" I yelled as I weakly continued to search for him. I ended up coming across his lab. "Please be safe." I whispered as I placed my hand on the door. I could feel fear rise inside me. 'What if something happened to him?! What if the demon got to him!?!? I would never forgive myself if he got hurt or worse!' Thoughts kept going through my mind at a mile a minute.

I took a deep breath before pushing the door open. My gaze was on the ground and it caught a slight hint that...amber? My gaze started to slowly rise, but before I could really see anything, everything went white.

My eyes shot open as I gasped for air. I looked all around me and saw Sunny sitting next to me with a worried look on his face. "I-I'm okay. Just...a future dream? While I'm not asleep?" I question as I rubbed the side of my head. I sat on the floor with Sunny for awhile.

I sighed as I looked at Sunny. "Breaks over Sunny. I really have to get that pendant put together." I took a deep breathe to clear my mind. "Only positive and protective thoughts. Only good intentions will make this work." I said to more myself than Sunny. I got to work! I heated up a thicker piece of metal and started shaping it. "Protection is the key to my success and in return I shall protect everyone I love." I said while I finished shaping it. I placed it in moon water to cool it down before putting it back into the fire.

"Maybe I need to use all three!" I said pulling the pendant out of the fire and into the sun water. I repeated this process with the rain water as well. I shaped the pendant so it was big enough to hold a small vial inside of it. I tested a few of my vials before finding the perfect one and cleansing it with incense.

I removed the cork top and sat it on the table. I put a few punches of crush egg shells, salt, black salt, ginger, rosemary, chili flakes, cinnamon, crushed bay leaves, basil, and lavender. I lit a candle and placed the cork top back inside the vial. I then took the candle and poured the hot wax on top of it sealing the spell. Once the new pendant was cooled down enough I placed the vial inside it.

I held the new necklace in my hand as I showed Sunny. "What do you think?" I asked smiling at him. He sniffed the pea dent before rubbing his cheeks against it. I giggled and pet his head. "I think it's good too!" I put the necklace around my neck and let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in. "I think this is more powerful than my last one." I said holding it in my hand and smiling. 'Let's hope this works out for us.'

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