Where Are They?

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Third POV:

Varian went down the halls with Ruddiger around his shoulders. "Where could she be? She's not in the kitchen, not in the nursery, and not in the room. And she can't go outside since we're trapped here. So, where could she be?" Varian asked Ruddiger making him shrug his shoulders. "Rapunzel!" Eugene shouted for his girlfriend and Varian stared at the group. "You can't find Rapunzel either?" He asked them and Eugene shook his head no.

"Where could they both be?" Lance asked and Varian joined Eugene, Lance, and Cassandra. "Rapunzel!" "(Y/n)!" Eugene and Varian called out. "You know, this is a hoot, but we'd cover more ground if we split up. Cheekbones, Var, you take that hallway. Sandwiches, you go check the bedrooms again." Cassandra said turning to go a different way. "Yes Cassie!" Varian said heading down the hallway. "Oh, now she's doing clever nicknames? Wonderful." Eugene said and Varian rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I believe that if we find Sunny, we'll find the others." Varian said and they approached a door with a skull with horns on it and glowing green eyes. "This door is creepy. Was it always here?" Varian asked Eugene. A shadow came from under the door and Eugene's eyes widened. "Did you see that? Someone's in there. Rapunzel, (Y/n), are you in there?!" Eugene yelled as he banged on the door. "How do you want to get in? Ooh! How about Team Awesome works together! Oh wait, we'd need (Y/n) for it to be Team Awesome." Varian said with his hand on his chin trying to think of a new group name. "How about-" Varian started to say only for Eugene to kick down the door. "O-oh...okay...that works." Varian said rubbing the back of his neck and they walked into the room.

Squeaking and hissing was heard and both boys turned to face the different sounds. Pascal was inside of a cage and Rapunzel was getting tied down to a table by vines in her sleep. Varian turned to the hissing sound to see Sunny standing protectively in front of (Y/n). She was sat on the ground with a toadstool ring surrounding her. Varian could make out a symbol on the floor right next to her hand. "Rapunzel!" "(Y/n)!" Eugene and Varian called out about to run to each other the girls.

"Less noise, please. Sh-sh-sh-sh, less noise." Matthews whispered as he came out of the shadows. A black crown on his head and a scepter in his hands. "Matthews! I knew you were up to no good!" Eugene said rolling up his sleeves ready to fight while Varian glared at the man. "You have no idea how no good I really am." Matthews said as he pointed the scepter at the two. Glowing green vines quickly wrapped around both boys and pinned them to the wall. Ruddiger was about to try and make an escape when he was thrown into a cage just like Pascal. Eugene and Varian struggled against the vines. "Matthews!" Varian yelled and the man smirked at them. "Not quite. I am Tromus." He yelled as green surrounded him and he became a demon. "And my master, Zhan Tiri, has a great need for this little sun drop, and the little witch. Once these vines wrap round her completely, she'll have surrendered to the dream world, and the sun drop's limitless power will belong to Zhan Tiri!" Tromus said as he gestured up to the statue of his master.

"As for the witch, my plan didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped it would. The little brat was able to protect herself just before my spell was able to take full affect. No matter, the witch can't keep the spell going forever.  Her defenses will faulted and I'll be ready. She will be completely defenseless, and Zhan Tiri will finally have the vessel they need!" He said smirking down at the girl fast asleep in the toadstool ring with the cat still standing protectively in front of her. "Blondie! Wake up!" Eugene yelled and Varian stared at the girl in front of him. "Mm-mm-mm, nope. Sorry. The only way that's going to happen is if Lemon Head wakes herself up." Tromus said moving Rapunzel's head to face the two. "But will she want to leave paradise? Probably not."

(Y/n)'s POV:

All around me was nothing but pitch black darkness. The only thing I could see was my own body. I sighed as I stared out into the darkness. "No where to go but forwards." I said softly to myself and started walking. The ground was covered in water and I was barefoot. Each step I took made a small splash and water came up onto my ankles. Whispers surrounded me and I could only make out a few of them. "Magic." "Protection." "Help!" "It's no use." "Why?" The whispers said and a soft white light appeared in the distance.

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