Strange Liquid

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It's been a couple of weeks and I've gone back to the meadow. I visit Varian more than I used to, but something about him seems a little bit off. I can't really put my finger on it. Whenever I see him I tend to see the protection pendant I gave him somewhere new and never on him. I completely understand that he doesn't really believe in anything I do and that's fine. I just want to protect him. Sunny and Demanitis have been making me practice what feels like 24/7. I know they mean well, but I'm still young and I want to do things that don't involve magic.

Right now I'm on my way to visit Sapphires. It's been a few days since I've seen him and I have to bring him food. He hasn't been leaving his lab much and has even forgotten to eat a few times. He won't explain to me what he's working on and says that I'll know when the time comes. He's even asked me a few times about the sun drop flower. Every time I just tell him the few things I know about it that isn't in Rapunzel's story. He hasn't been the same and I just want to help, but he keeps shutting me out. I sighed as I carried the basket in my arms that was full of food for Varian. I was walking along one of the rivers by old Corona when something caught my eye.

Buried in the sand was a small bottle with a purple liquid inside. I picked it up and placed it inside the basket. 'Maybe Varian can pull his head away from whatever it is he's working on to try and figure out what this is.' I continued walking to his home while picking up a few random things that I can maybe use later on the way. I opened his door and headed down to the lab.

I watched as Varian stared up at his black board and I'm the very center of it was the sun drop flower. I watched as he wrote a few things down on the board before erasing it with his arm. Ruddiger was sitting on top of the black board and smiled and waved when he saw me. As I was waving back, Ruddiger jumped down onto Varian's head and ran up and around my body before running head first into my basket.

"Hey watch it Rud...m-milady! You're here!" I watched as Varian turned the black lard around to show a blank one. "H-how much d-did you s-see?" He asked leaning up against the board with a hand on the back of his neck only to have the board flip around causing him to fall. I laughed and set my basket on the ground. I helped him up and placed his goggles back where they belonged on his head. "Don't worry Sapphires. I didn't see the little conspiracy theory you're working on about the sun drop flower." I said smiling at him. I walked back over to the basket and handed him a piece of bread.

"So what has you so interested in the sun drop flower?" I asked while flipping the board back over. "And wow do you have some wrong information." I said as I examined his work. "What do you mean?" Varian asked before eating the piece of bread I gave him. I pointed to the board under a column labeled 'first known existence'. The only thing under the label was Mother Gothel. "Mother Gothel wasn't the first person to know and use the flower. In fact, Demanitis dedicated an entire study to it. My mother even used it herself to stay young. Demanitis also monitored another source of power. Call it a sister source if you will. But that's not important! The sun drop flower was known for a long time by a few." I said while adding onto Varian's board. I turned around to face him.

"Hey sapphires?" "Yes milady?" He asked as he stared up at the board behind me. "What got you so interested in the sun drop flower?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "I mean not that it's a bad thing! It just seems sort of...out of character for you? I mean you've never really believed in legends and magic and I-I just wanted to know what made you believe in the sun drop." I said looking at the ground and biting my lip softly.

I felt one of his gloved hands under my chin and he lifted it up so I was looking into his eyes. "Would you believe me if I said you made a believer out of me?" He said and kissed my cheek before going up to the black board and writing on it once more. My cheeks flared and I shook my head before turning back to him. "Actually I wouldn't. What got to you Sapphs?" He turned to face me again. "That's for me to know and you to find out later." He said booping my nose and going back to writing.

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