Nose Bleeds

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Varian and I were sitting in the garden of the palace. He was laying down and I had his head in my lap. I was running my hands through his hair. We would talk every once in awhile, but we just decided to enjoy each other's company. I moved his bangs away from his forehead and suddenly everything went white.

I opened my eyes and I saw myself dancing. I glanced down and saw 2 large gloves covering my hands. 'This must be from Rapunzel's birthday.' I could hear myself and Varian singing. He spun me into him and our chests were pressed together. "For the world we're gonna make." Our foreheads touched and Varian's thoughts were out of control.

I couldn't make out a lot of them, but I did hear a few. 'What if she doesn't like me back?' 'I don't want to ruin our friendship.' 'She looks so beautiful tonight.' 'Do I kiss her?' 'I can't!' 'She'll just end up hating me.' With that he pulled away from me like he did that night. Everything started to turn white again.

I opened my eyes and I saw Varian sitting up. He had one hand holding my head in place and another one right under my nose holding something there. "Sapphires what are you doing?" He glanced up at my eyes. "Oh you know just trying not to pass you." He said and I saw him take a deep breathe. I looked at him confused. I slowly moved my hands to where his was placed on my nose. "Close your eyes." I told him. Once he did I removed his hand and there was a handkerchief now covered in blood. "Oh shit!" I said standing up and pressing the handkerchief back onto my nose. "Language milady." I rolled my eyes and went into the castle to clean myself up. Varian followed right on my heels. I ended up passing Pascal and Sunny while I was sprinting to my room causing them to chase after both Varian and I. I almost ran passed Eugene when he grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"Woah woah, what's with you guys sprinting through the castle like your life depends on it?" He asked. I sighed and removed the drenched handkerchief slightly showing him the blood. He quickly pulled me into what I can only assume was his room. When we walked in there was another man there as well. Eugene searched around for a clean handkerchief while the man just stared at Varian, Pascal, Sunny and I. "Lance this is Varian, (y/n), and the cats name is Sunny. Varian, (y/n), Sunny this is my old pal Lance." "It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Lance said and I waved softly at him.

Eugene pulled a chair out and told me to sit down. I sat down and Eugene was about to removed the handkerchief before I turned away. "Sapphires I suggest you stop staring at me unless you want to pass out." I said glancing at him slightly. "Dully noted." He said and I heard him turn around. Eugene removed the drenched handkerchief and replaced it with a new one. He instructed me to apply pressure on the bridge of my nose, and I followed. Pascal even sat in my shoulder and pushed against one side of my nose. Eugene pulled away and threw the old one into a pile filled with dirty clothes.

"Do you to want to explain to me what happened?" Varian turned back around. "I'm not really sure." He turned to face me. "I felt your hand stop and I looked up and your eyes were rolled back into your head and your nose just started gushing." He said as he looked worriedly at me. "Y-yeah about that, um, I touched your forehead, and I was reliving your memory of Rapunzel's birthday." I said looking down, but I felt a hand lift up my chin to make it straight. "Don't tilt your head to far. The blood can go down your throat." Eugene said and I nodded. "I hate to interrupt, but I'm very confused as to the 'reliving memories' part." Lance said as he was petting Sunny.

"O-oh right. Well I can kind of sorta lock into peoples memories and see them from their perspective." I said as he just stared at me confused. I heard Eugene sigh. "She's a witch Lance." He stared at me with wide eyes. "Last time I did it though I didn't get a nose bleed." I said. "Maybe you should try not to do it often if you're going to get nose bleeds from now on." Varian said. "I can't help it though. It just happens sometimes." Everyone was silent before the door slammed open causing all of us to jump.

"Who's ready for a triple date?!" Rapunzel said as she burst into the room. "Uh blondie I hate to burst your bubble, but they haven't decided if they want to go yet." Rapunzel held up a piece of a torn scroll and handed it to me. "Cassandra said that she would only do one thing on my list of quite amazing activities that I originally planned." I looked up at Varian and I sighed. "Since it's only one activity there can't be much that goes wrong can there?" She let out an excited squeal and hugged me tight before she was pulled away by Eugene.

All six of us were nowsat at a candle lit table. "So Andrew, I couldn't help but notice you're going steady with our Cassandra." Eugene said awkwardly picking at his food. "We're not going steady." Cassandra said defensively. "But you are interested right? I just wanna be clear because you strike me as a guy who really has his game together. I mean you're smart, attractive, not the most attractive man in the room clearly-" "Eugene!" Rapunzel exclaimed as I couldn't help but giggle at both of them. "What? Cass knows I'm kidding right? No seriously though is she blackmailing you? Blink three times if the answer is yes." Eugene was then pulled back by his ear. I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon Eugene. If she really was blackmailing him we'd have no idea." Varian nodded. "Yeah I mean Cassie would make sure none of us knew what was going on." Varian said and Cassandra send a glare our way. "So, Andrew, tell us everything. How did you and Cass meet?" Rapunzel asked. "Well, see, I'm somewhat bibliophilic." I turned to whisper into Varian's ear. "That means he's a nerd!" He simply rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips. "That's not what that means milady." "But you're one too aren't you sapphires?" I said with a soft smirk on my face. I saw realization slowly settle into his eyes then he pushed my shoulder slightly smiling at me.

"I told you this was a bad idea." Cass said as she slammed a bowl on the table making Eugene jump. "I simply had to see King Herz Der Sonne's book. As an anthropologist, as a historian, and as a mere amateur chirographist, well it's been my dream." I turned to whisper in Varian's ear. "How much you wanna bet he's not any of those things?" He whispered back in my ear. "I'll bet he's at least two of those things. Loser buys the winner candy from the sweets shop." I nodded and we shook hands under the table.

We listened as Cassandra and Andrew finished telling about how they met. They finished with a hug and Pascal threw paper hearts in the air while playing a mandolin. "That is so cute! Yeah our Cassie is quite the catch. You know, she's the most skilled fighter for miles around." There was a loud thud and the entire table shook. "Yeah you should really see her Andrew! She's tougher than all the guards combined." Varian said and the same thing happened. I heard Varian hiss slightly and glare at Cassandra. "O-oh really?" Andrew said awkwardly. "And on that note, I think we should call it a night. Andrew has to fly home in the morning." "Fly?!" We all shouted surprised.

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