According to Plan

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Third POV:

Rapunzel was in her room of the shelter with piles of pillows surrounding her. "Mom! Finally! Oh! How I've missed you! I've missed you so much, you have no idea." She said talking to two stacks of pillows before turning to her side. "Ulf! You know, I didn't think that I would miss the miming, but I did!" She said before turning once again. "And, uh, Friedborg, you're-you're here. It is so wonderful to have all of you here." She said and Pascal gave her a questionable look as he stared at her talking to her pillows. "Ugh! It's like they were holding onto that statue forever and I would have done anything to get it back." Rapunzel said not knowing that her friends outside were thinking the same thing.

"I will do anything to get that statue back. You create a diversion, I'll sneak around the side of the hut." Cassandra said drawing out a plan to Max making him huff. "What do you mean I should be the diversion?" She asked and Max neighed. "What? Me in a tutu is more distracting than you in a tutu?! Oh I beg to differ, horse." Cass said to Max and they continued to fight.

Eugene picked up a pink plant and started pacing around with a bouquet. "I got it. I'll ask her on a date. Then sweet talk her into giving me the statue, and if that doesn't work, I go full smolder. The blaze!" He said before pulling out his famous smolder making a crab faint on the log in front of him. "Then I swipe it while she's lost in the magic." He said before laughing trying to sound evil. "This is diabolical." Eugene said not even noticing Lance picking up every detail of his little plan. "Smolder, swipe, lost in magic, ha, ha, ha." Lance said before giggling and rubbing his hands together where he'd just written Eugene's plan.

Little did they all know that a little witch was formulating her plan. She made her way through the trees without being detected and heard every detail of the others plans. She landed on the ground swiftly with a smirk on her lips. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" A voice said behind her and she turned around with an innocent smile. "O-oh, sorry Sapphires. I was just trying to get my head on straight from what happened." She said rubbing the back of her neck and looking down at the ground. "It's alright. I'm just glad you're not going statue crazy like the others. So, what's your plan?" Varian asked with his hands on his hips not believing that (Y/n) isn't creating a plan to take it. "M-my plan?" She asked and bit her lip softly. "Yes. What's your plan on getting everyone to stop acting crazy? You said it yourself that it was cur-" "It's not cursed!" She yelled before turning and walking away. A raccoon ran up Varian's body and let out worried chitters and a cat rubbed against his leg with a meow. "I'm worried too. Who knows what she'll do to the others if she can't get her hands on it. Cmon. Let's go and try to get the others heads on straight." Varian said before walking away to go find the others.

Hookfoot sat on top of the highest roof of the shelter with a fishing pole in his hand with his hook attached to it. Rapunzel was still inside the shelter when Eugene knocked on the door. "Blondie, hello. Can you come out?" Eugene said holding his bouquet behind his back ready to sweep Rapunzel off her feet. From the trees, (Y/n) watched as Rapunzel peaked down to see Eugene at the door. Her smirk winded as she saw the others about to start their plans not even worrying about their greatest threat when it comes to the statue. Her.

Rapunzel looked around to see everyone except (Y/n) and Varian. She rushed back inside and held the statue tightly to her chest. "Pascal, they're coming after the statue. Huh, well, they're not gonna get it. Don't they know that I'm the one that needs it the most? Alright so I couldn't find (Y/n) or Varian which means they're working together, or Varian was able to make her see that she doesn't need it. I do!" She said with a scowl across her normally soft features and Pascal looked frightened.

"Uh, you just want me to come out so you can have the idol. Ha, ha! I'm onto you." Rapunzel said through the door. "What? No! Are you crazy? That is not true. We collectively miss you. Right guys?" Eugene said trying to save himself. The others nodded innocently and Eugene turned back to the door. "You see? And, yes, we're you to come out, it would be a fantastic opportunity to pass the ol' magical statue around and experience the ultimate happiness that we all long for deep in our hearts, but I don't think anyone out here even thought of that. Did we?" Eugene said and the others shook their heads no.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now