New Friend

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Dream time my guys:

My hands were hovering over what looked like some sort of honey colored crystal figure. A red mist was covering my entire body as well as the crystal. My body was in excruciating pain, tears were streaming down my cheeks, my ears were ringing, and something I could only assume was blood gushing out my nose. "AHHH!" I screamed and I saw the crystal...melt? Not much but slightly. My eyes started to roll back into my head, but before they could go back completely, I felt arms wrap themselves around my upper body forcing me back. My concentration broke causing the red mist to vanish and the crystal to harden again. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS AGAIN! YOU'RE HURTING YOURSELF! PLEASE! STOP THIS!" I heard who I think was Varian yell at me and I heard what sounded like crying. "I can't lose you too." I heard Varian whisper into my shoulder as he cried. We both sat on the ground and I was looking at the base of the crystal. Something in me refused to look up. "I-I just th-thought that I-if I-I could m-melt a weak point...then the wh-whole would shatter." I said trying to catch my breath. "This is the third time I've caught you doing this." He said hugging me tighter. "Please (y/n). Promise me you won't try to do this again. You're only hurting yourself and I don't want to walk down here and find you gone to." He said whispering the last part to where I could barely hear it. I sighed turning to face him and what I saw broke my heart in two. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, tears were streaming down his face, and his face was sunken in like he hadn't eaten in a few days. I brought him into a tight hug. "I promise." I closed my eyes and there was nothing but white.

My eyes shot open and I sat up in my bed. Sunny hissed and stared at me. His tail and back were puffed up before he stared at me and calmed down. I took a few deep breathes and ran my hands through my hair. Sunny rubbed up against my chin with his head. "I-I'm okay. Just a dream, maybe." I said and pet him behind his ears. I looked down at my bandaged arms.

Eugene showed me how to bandage them the 'thief way' which is basically just normal bandaging, but it's more comfortable for moving a lot. The bruising had gone down a lot over the past couple of days. The ones covering my hands and arms have gotten slightly smaller, but they come back whenever I use my magic. The ones on my neck, chest, and back have cleared up except for a few spots here and there. I figured out that they only show up when I'm pushing myself while using my magic. They are the ones that go away the fastest though! The bruises also won't form when I use my wand.

I got up from my bed and stretched my aching body. I sighed as I let my body relax. I smiled down at Sunny. "I get to see Varian today! I have the entire day planned for us!" I said as I started changing. Sunny of course turned around to give me privacy. "The Empyrean Shower is tonight! I even found the perfect spot to watch it!" I said as I put on a white dress and a green corset.

 "The Empyrean Shower is tonight! I even found the perfect spot to watch it!" I said as I put on a white dress and a green corset

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I changed the bandages covering my arms making sure they were secure. I placed a few different necklaces on myself and a couple bracelets as well. I grabbed a basket and filled it with various fruits, snacks, pastries, and drinks for us. I covered the basket with a large blanket. I turned to face Sunny. "Okay I have food, a blanket, drinks, oh! I need the telescope!" I said searching high and low for it.

There was some soft creaking, but it's probably just Sunny. The creaking stopped right behind me. I was crouched down searching through one of my many cabinets looking for the telescope. "Hey Sunny meow twice if you find the telescope for me! Thanks!" I said moving a few things around. Sunny meowed twice. "You found it!" I said a smile spreading across my cheeks. "Correction Milady." I jumped and hit the back of my head on the cabinet. "Shit! What the heck!" I said coming out from the cabinet with my hand on the back of my head.

In front of me stood, Varian smirking down at me and spinning something in his hands. "Language milady. And I found it. It was right in front of you." He said laughing softly. I rolled my eyes. "You know I have a hard time finding things!" I said as I laughed trying to take the telescope back only to have him dodge me. "Now is that any way to greet your boyfriend, milady?" He smirked as he held it above my head just out of my reach. "Is scaring anyway to greet your girlfriend, Sapphires?" I said with just as much sass as he did. He thought for a moment before smirking. "You are 100% correct Milady." I tilted my head to the side. "I am?" "Of course! Now let me try again." With that he leaned down into me and kissed the corner of my mouth before pulling away. Heat rose to my cheeks and I looked down. He laughed and pulled my chin up towards him. "That's how I should have greeted you milady." He said with a smirk on his face. We were staring at each other and started leaning into each other when he stopped and took hold of my hands placing the telescope on the table.

"Care to explain?" He asked while lifting both of my bandages arms up. I bit my lip softly and looked down. "Sunny is helping me gain control of my powers. Whenever I don't use my wand for bigger spells I basically break out in bruises." I said slowly unwrapping one of my arms to show him. "This is just one of the stages I have to get through to have full control of my powers." Varian carefully examined my arm and I winced every once in awhile. "It's as if your body is having an allergic reaction to your magic." He said looking at my arm all over. "Yeah. And if I do it to often then it spreads over the rest of my body." I told him as I pulled my shirt down a little bit to show him the bruises still visible in my chest.

"Are you in a lot of pain whenever you do anything?" He asked with a worried look in his eyes. "Eh it's nothing I can't handle!" I said smiling at him. 'I can't tell him how unbearable it is or else he'll be worrying about me all the time.' I thought to myself. "Enough about me though! It's our day today and I have it all planned out for us!" I said grabbing the telescope and my basket. I watched as Varian rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh no what's wrong?" I asked only to have him stare wide eyed at me. "Wrong? Nothings wrong! I-I just have a guest with me." He said rubbing the back of his neck again. "Cmon I'll introduce you to him."

I made sure I had everything we might need before walking outside with Varian. "Ruddiger! Cmon out buddy!" Varian said while cupping his hands over his mouth. I watched as a raccoon ran towards Varian with a red shiny apple in its hands. The raccoon climbed up onto Varian and bit into the apple. "(Y/n) meet Ruddiger. Ruddiger meet (y/n)." Varian introduced us. "Is that the same raccoon that gets into your lab?" I asked. "Yes because um-" "Let me guess. You set off your own raccoon trap by accident, didn't have the solution to get yourself unstuck from it, Ruddiger showed up, and eventually freed you?" I watched as Varian rolled his eyes. "Actually milady he set it off himself, not me." I laughed and looked at Ruddiger. "I can make you an even better apple than that one!" I said smiling at him and he stared at me with sparkling eyes.

I waved my hands I front of me releasing a green mist. Pain was shooting up my arms and ending at my shoulders. I stayed focused on my hands so hopefully Varian wouldn't notice I'm in pain. Once there was enough I blew on it revealing a large perfect apple. Ruddiger quickly snatched it from my hands and started running away with it. "I think he likes it. What about you sapphires?" I asked smirking at him. "To be fair he acts that way with all apples." He said putting his hands into his pockets. "We should start heading out if we want to get to what I have planned in time." I said taking his arm and pulling him through the meadow.

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