Little Pumpkin

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The entire gang and I were invited to a celebration by the Lorbs. We were around a large bonfire, and the Lorbs were playing all kinds of instruments. Varian and I were dancing with each other without a care in the world. Varian spun me and I was able to look at Hookfoot and Lance who looked to be having the time of their life. I stopped where I was and pointed to the two. Varian followed my finger and started laughing at the twos crazy dancing.

"Boy, Lorbs sure do know how to party huh, blondie?" Eugene said and Varian and I looked around to see her not there. "Where's blondie?" Eugene asked Cass and she shrugged her shoulders with a smile. "I'm sure she's on her way. After all, who would want to miss this?" Cass said and Varian and I were laughing at Hookfoot and Lance's dance.

Varian and I had continued dancing with each other when he suddenly stopped and looked over both of his shoulders. He turned his head back to me with a large smile and sparkling blue eyes. "Cmon! Before they notice were gone." He said softly to me and started dragging me away from the party. I giggled as I felt the sand between my toes as we ran across the beach. "Where are we going, love?" I asked and he suddenly stopped making me run into him. He chuckled and looked over his shoulder to me and bent down slightly. "Hop on, milady." He said and I nodded before getting on his back.

Varian continued to walk down the beach and I ran m fingers through his hair. I removed his goggles and placed them on my head instead. "I expect those back by the end of the night." He said with a smile and I giggled. "Mind telling me where we're going?" I asked and Varian sighed dramatically. "Fine I'll tell you. I found an area on the beach a couple days ago filled with lanterns and for the celebration the Lorbs lit every single one. So I was thinking why not go and see what the place looks like lit up." He said and I nodded and wrapped my arms around him so they went down his chest and got comfortable. "Hey Sapphires." I said softly in his ear and he hummed. "I love you. You know that?" I said and he turned his head and kissed my cheek softly. "I did. And I love you just as much. Probably more though." He said and I felt heat rising to my cheeks.

Varian tapped my thighs with his fingers and I gave him my full attention. "We're here!" He said and he carefully put me down. I stared at the old lanterns in awe. "I think you might have just topped the first lantern date." I said and he held my hand in his and led me to sit down on the beach with him. I sat down on the cold sand and Varian sat behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I heard him let out a content sigh as his nuzzled his nose into my neck. I let a soft smile slip past my lips as I got comfortable in his arms.

We spent what felt like only a few minutes simply enjoying each other's company before Varian spoke up. "(Y/n)?" He asked softly and I out a soft hum as I stared up at the night sky. " you miss your home at all? Like the meadow I mean." He asked and I had to think about it. "I do miss the meadow. I miss it a lot actually. I...I miss the sense of familiarity. I miss waking up everyday knowing exactly where I am and what I'm going to do, but that's also what I love about being on this journey. It's something different almost everyday. But I have you and the others with me as well. I don't think I'd be able to handle being in the meadow all by myself if I had stayed. I-I know I could've visited you in prison if we stayed, but that's not even nearly close to how it used to be." I said and he nodded.

"Do you miss Corona?" I asked softly and he shrugged his shoulders. "I-I don't know. I miss my dad, I miss my lab, I miss mom the sweet shop. I miss so much about it, but once we go back nothing will be the same. I-I don't even know if Rapunzel and I are okay and I know for sure the kingdom won't be happy with me. I just really want everything to go back to how it used to be. I...I want my dad back." Varian said softly and his arms around my waist grew tighter. I carefully got out of his grip and turned to face him. He was looking down at the sand with guilt and sadness being the only thing in his eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek and his eyes met mine.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now