Constellation Quiz

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Varian and I ended up sitting at one of the tables while everyone else listened to Willow's story. Sunny laid on the table while Ruddiger searched for some free food. "It's a good thing we stopped somewhere with actual food. I was worried we wouldn't have any for when we arrive to that special spot you were talking about." Varian said while looking at the leftover food we had. I looked inside the basket. "There's no more apples? I packed like 7." I said only to watch Varian rub the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. Ruddiger kept sneaking them while I wasn't looking." I giggled. "Don't worry Sapphires! Push comes to shove I can just make more." "But it hurts you still." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Think of it this way Sapphs. If I don't endure this in the present then I'll have to deal with it even more in the future. And frankly, I don't have time to deal with it later." I said smiling at him and holding his hands. One of his hands moved to my chin and lifted my chin up and to the side revealing my neck. "Uhh Sapphires? What are you doing?" He simply turned my head to the other side. "The bruising on your neck has gone down to almost nothing." He said before moving his hand to my cheek. "Really?! Thank god! I've been waiting for those ones to finally go away for forever."

"How's old Corona doing?" I asked just loud enough for him to hear me. He sighed and rubbed the side of his face. "Not great. The black rocks just keep coming and coming. Nothing stops them either. What about you? Have you seen any in the meadow?" I shook my head. "It's strange. There's only a few of them and they are just like the first one. Some even look like they were cut right at the barrier. Did you tell your dad about my offer?" He nodded. "I did, but he said that it wouldn't be necessary. He did say that he appreciated the thought though! I mean practically giving up the meadow for people to live in that might not want you alive is a big deal! I just don't want anything happening to you or your home. I know how much you love the meadow." I smiled at him. "Aww you care about me!" I watched as a pink dusted his cheeks. "Of course I care about you milady!"

I giggled and held his hands again. "I don't mind letting the people of Old Corona stay in the meadow for a little while. Besides you and I both know that Quirin wouldn't let the people hurt me. And I doubt they would even try after I give up my only home to them. That's just plain rude." Varian smiled up at me. "Oh my dad says that you're welcome in Old Corona any time." "I know. He tells me every time I visit. He also tells me that he's glad that you have me as your voice of reason sometimes." "Voice of reason? Last week you told me do something that could've been completely dangerous just 'to see what would happen'. If anyone's the voice of reason it's me." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Keep telling yourself that Sapphires."

Suddenly the room went completely silent. I looked around and everyone was staring at Ariana. "What did we miss?" Varian asked whispering to me and I simply shrugged. The Üümlaut broke the silence by shaking its rattle. "Uh we should probably get going. We don't want to miss that shower. Cmon Varian, (y/n)." Rapunzel said and Varian grabbed Ruddiger while I carefully picked Sunny up off the table. We left the pub and waved to everyone as we left.

As we were walking Ariana was getting more annoyed with the small creature and Sunny was still in my arms asleep. I waited for Ariana as she caught up with us. "Here you take Sunny and I'll take that for you. If he starts to wake up just scratch under his chin and he'll fall right back asleep." I said placing Sunny in her arms and taking the small creature from her before catching up with Varian.

"Please don't tell me that you're going to keep that thing?" Varian said looking down at the Üümlaut. "Oh god no. This stupid rattle is so annoying. Plus one wrong move and this thing can bring down entire continents." I said while looking at the scenery around us. "What do you mean?" Varian asked sliding his hand into mine. "The second this thing loses its rattle, it starts to multiply itself. You have to give the rattle back to the original one for it to stop, but it multiples so fast that it's nearly impossible to achieve." I said pointing up to it on my shoulder only to have it rattle right in my ear.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now