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(Y/n)'s POV:

I was sitting with Eugene on a bench while he looked over the scroll pieces. "Just another day's travel and we are at the Dark Kingdom. Hope we packed our torches!" Rapunzel said with a goofy grin. The others and I just stared at her. 'At least I'm not the only one who didn't think it was funny.' "Because the kingdom is dark...is where I was going with that." Rapunzel said trying to save her failed joke.

"Are you okay Eugene? You seem distracted." Rapunzel asked before sitting on a barrel. "Huh? Oh. Uh...I didn't want to make...light of it?" Eugene said and pascal groaned. "Look, it's just...now that we're so close to the Dark Kingdom, it all feels more real, ya know? Ha. I mean crazy rhino man said if we went there, we were doomed. And we have no idea what we're in for! And our only clue as to what's waiting for us is on three stupid pieces of a torn scroll. That we can't even read!" Eugene said frustrated as he held up the pieces.

"Hey! Be careful with those! And if Varian had the right time and books I have no doubt that we could translate it, but we're still missing at least one more piece." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "I know it's scary, Eugene, but we can not turn back now. Besides, you hand I have other plans. Or at least we should have other plans. Birthday plans?" Rapunzel said with a smile and Eugene's eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh. I forgot your birthday!" Eugene said. "How could you forget, Eugene?!" Rapunzel said and Eugene placed his hand on his chest. "I'm so sorry! You know what, I'm pretty sure that giant firefly scorched my date book and...wait a minute it's not your birthday!" Eugene said making Rapunzel laugh. "Got you! Oh, you should've seen your face! Pascal, Pascal, do his face!" Rapunzel said and Pascal did making all of us laugh. "Well, then whose birthday is it?" Eugene asked and Rapunzel quickly said no ones. Before they left, Rapunzel asked if she could take the scroll pieces with her and I said yes.

Varian sat next to me on the bench and looked down at me. "So, milady, what do you wanna do today?" He asked me with a wide smile as Ruddiger climbed off his shoulders and onto the table. "I-I really need to work on stronger protection spells, and charms, a-and sigils." I said running one of my hands through my hair. "Ever since we left stupid shell inn, all you've been doing is trying to make stronger protection, saging the caravan everyday, and putting crystals in every knock and cranny you can find. Something is going on, and I'd really like to know about it so I could help you." Varian said concerned and I sighed. "Fine, but can we go somewhere a little more private?" I asked softly and bit my lip softly. He nodded and got off the bench lending me a hand to get up. I took his hand and headed inside the caravan. I grabbed my basket and placed a few different things inside of it. I changed into a white button up and a brown dress before heading outside to meet Varian. 

I looked around for Sunny only to see him glaring at something that seemed to be next to Cassandra

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I looked around for Sunny only to see him glaring at something that seemed to be next to Cassandra. He has all the fur on his back raised and his tail puffed up. 'I can't tell if he's getting nervous around Cassandra or something around her. I've been getting a bad feeling from Cassandra lately as well.' I thought to myself. Cassandra walked in front of Sunny once more and Sunny hissed. "Uh...(Y/n) do you want to control your cat?" Cassandra asked annoyed and I sighed. "Come on Sunny. We're leaving." I said and he slowly walked away from Cassandra to be by my side.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now