Goodwill Event

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"I can't express just how much this time in Vardaros has meant to us. We may have come here as strangers, but I like to think we're leaving as friends. So, in the spirit of that friendship, we would like to share a Corona tradition with all of you. I am proud to announce the First Annual Vardaros Goodwill Festival!" Rapunzel said and revealed a flag with what I think is a gopher on it. There were three people listening to her and one of them booed her.

"Yeah I got booed at last years festival, too. Don't worry! This is gonna be fantastic!" She said to Vex only to have a tomato thrown at her. I held Varian's hand and looked up at the flag. "I don't understand. What's the point of this festival?" I asked as I looked up at Varian. "It's to spread goodwill!" Rapunzel said very briefly explaining it. "Why not just do it all the time or whenever you feel there's an imbalance instead of just once a year? I-it's like with the day of hearts festival. Why only celebrate it once a year when you can still use that same energy all the time?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Milady, unlike you, most people can't tell when there's a type of imbalance in anything. You are very, how do I put it, in tune with those kinds of things." Varian said and I stared at the others my head still tilted to the side still somewhat confused. "I don't understand you guys." I said and Eugene laughed. "Well we don't understand you all that much either kiddo." "That's fair I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders.

We were putting up a few posters when Cassandra spoke up. "It's great you wanna do this, Raps, but this town isn't like Corona. They don't feel the need to celebrate something every six seconds!" She said waving her hands around and I giggled as I pet Owl with Vex. "You should really listen to Cass. Vardarans aren't really the "goodwill" kind of crowd." Vex said and an old woman shouted about how she hated goodwill.

"I know people here are a little rougher around the edges, but they deserve to have a good time." Rapunzel said trying to convince Cass. "Are you sure everyone shares your idea of what makes a good time? Look!" Not one person has signed up for the gopher grab. Which might not be a bad thing since we don't have a gopher." Cass said and Rapunzel turned to Varian and I.

"You two aren't going to sign up for the gopher grab?" She asked and we both shook our heads no. "I personally haven't really ever been a fan of the gopher grab." Varian said and I bit my lip softly. "Varian explained to me how the game works and I don't think the universe would be happy with me chasing down a gopher for the fun of it. Sorry Punz." I said softly and she sighed.

"And about the gopher don't worry I have the two best gopher hunters on the job! I'm sure they're out there snagging a gopher as we know we may actually wanna cancel the gopher grab?" Eugene said and I thought about all the things Lance and Hookfoot could be doing besides catching a gopher.

"It'll be tough finding a gopher out here. This is sneezeweasel country." Vex said. "I'm so sorry. What's a sneezeweasel?" Cass asked and Shorty chimed in. "It's a mammalian omnivore indigenous to the region whose primary diet is gophers, foxes, and volves." Shorty said and I had to say I was honestly somewhat impressed.

"Uh, Shorty, how do you know so much about sneezeweasels?" Eugene asked what we were all thinking. Shorty chuckled and pointed at himself with his thumb. "I used to be one." He said and I face palmed. "What more did we expect?" Varian asked letting out a light laugh.

"Look! Someone's signing up for the gopher grab! And you thought the good cheer wouldn't catch on." Rapunzel said. "Actually he's stealing your quill." Vex said and we watched as the man walked away with it. We watched as Cassandra basically threatened the man to sign up for the event.

"Anyone else wanna wrestle me for the pen?! You lose? You sign up!" She said and the people actually started getting excited. "I think we found Cass' real home." I said and Eugene laughed. "Good one kid!" He said and I smiled. I watched as Cassandra beat countless people before I felt a weight on my shoulder.

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