Hot Chocolate

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Once I left Varian with his father I started to make a fire to keep us warm. I made hot chocolate as well with the things I could find in their kitchen. When I came back into the room with both of the mugs, Varian was already sitting in front of the fire. I carefully sat down next to him and handed him one of the mugs. "Thanks." He said softly still staring into the fire. Once I got comfortably on the floor Ruddiger came and got comfy in my lap. There was an uncomfortable silence so thick I could almost see it.

I moved closer to Varian and held one of his hands in mine. "We'll get him out." I said softly as I kissed his temple. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "We'll start tomorrow morning." He said with his gaze not leaving the fire. We went back into the silence for a few minutes. Both of us drinking the hot chocolate every few once in awhile.

"D-do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked looking down at my hands. "No." I simply nodded. Varian placed his head on my shoulder and took a deep breathe in before slowly letting it out. "I never got to make him proud." He said softly and I heard him sniffle. "Sapphires, I'm sure he was proud of you. He just has a funny way of showing it." I said as I ran my hand through his hair. "Most parents can never figure out how to say 'hey you're making me proud'. So they show it in other ways." I was only met with silence.

I took a deep breathe. "You know, the only time my mother told me she was proud of me was when she was tied up about to know. She had never said it to me, and I never felt like she showed it either. But looking back I notice all of the little things that showed that she was proud of me. It's the same with your dad. While he might not verbally say it, his actions do." I said as I kissed his temple once more. "He loves you more than anything Varian. And I'm 110% sure that you made him proud everyday." I looked at him and saw a slight smile on his face as he wiped his nose with his sleeve.

"We should head to bed. We've both had a rough day." I said slowly getting up and picking up our now empty mugs. I was about to walk away when he held onto my wrist. I looked down into his deep blue eyes that I could stare at for hours. They held so much sorrow in them and I wanted to make it all disappear. "You know that your arms are really banged up right?" He said while glancing down to my exposed arms. He was right. They had bruises, sores, and burns covering them.

I offered him a soft smile. "Well I can't exactly have a battle with a demon and come back perfectly fine. There has to be some type of injury." I said smiling as he stared up at me shocked. "I'll tell you about it some other time okay? Right now what's important is to get you to bed. You've had a rough day you deserve some rest Sapphires." He nodded as he let go of my wrist.

I cleaned up the mugs and the mess I left in the kitchen before heading to Varian's room. When I walked inside he was already in his bed. He looked up at me once I walked inside. "There's a shirt for you to wear in the bathroom." He said as he closed his eyes and got more comfortable in his bed. I nodded and headed to the bathroom where there was one of his shirts. I pulled off my cold and wet clothes and slipped his shirt on over my head.

I looked in the mirror and saw that the shirt reached mid thigh. I blushed softly as I headed back to Varian's room. I opened the door and Varian and I made eye contact. I blushed and looked down at the ground. I only looked back up when I heard shuffling. Varian had moved the blankets inviting me into the bed. I bit my lip softly as I climbed in next to him. I snuggled up next to him with my head against his chest and one of his arms around my waist. Our legs tangled together as we were up against each other.

I felt Varian pull me even closer to him. I looked up and saw he was asleep. I softly ran my hand along his cheek memorizing how calm and peaceful he looked. I was absolutely mesmerized by him. 'How did I end up so lucky to have met him?' I thought to myself.

'Maybe I should try...' I waited until I knew he was fast asleep before slowly and carefully moving out of the bed. The floorboards creaked under my feet and I glanced at Varian to make sure I didn't wake him up. When I realized I didn't I quickly kissed his cheek before quickly and quietly making my way to his lab. I pushed the door open and stared up at the large piece of amber that held Quirin and what looked like a note.

I placed one of my hands on the amber and suddenly all I saw was white.

I opened my eyes and I'm front of me was Rapunzel? She had hair darker than the night sky and she was chanting something over and over again. Both of my hands were out as well and an Orange mist covered my body. There wasn't any burning sensation either. I watched as Varian was staring up at his father as the amber melted then everything turned white.

I groaned as I rubbed my head and looked up at the amber. I was sitting on the floor and I slowly got up. I placed both of my hands on the amber. "We'll get you out. I promise." I whispered.

I felt something start climbing up me and I calmed down once I saw it was Ruddiger. I placed him in my arms and took a few steps back from the amber and set him down on the ground. "Ruddiger I'm going to do something okay. If my eyes start rolling back even the slightest bit get Varian. I'm gonna need him to snap me out of this if it happens." I said and Ruddiger gave me a salute. I pet his head and raised my arms up. "Let's hope this works."

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