Comfortable Silence

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I stared up at the lanterns watching all of them float through the sky. My mouth slightly open in awe at the sight. I felt a hand on my waist slowly pulling me back from the ledge. I felt Varian move one of his arms and pulling me to sit down with him. I sat in front of him while his arms went back around my waist hugging me. I leaned back into him to get a better view of the lanterns. "I close my eyes and I can see a world that's waiting up for me. That I call my own. Through the dark, through the door, through where no ones been before. But it feels like home."

I leaned back into Varian more getting comfortable. "They can say they can say it all sounds crazy. They can say they can say I've lost my mind. I don't care I don't care so call me crazy."

"We can live in a world that we design." I heard Varian sing from behind me. "Cause every night I lie in bed. The brightest colors fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake. I think of what the world could be. A vision of the one I see. A million dreams is all it's gonna take. Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make." Varian and I sang together.

"There's a house we can build every room inside is filled with things from far away." Varian sang as he stood up and offered his hands. I put my hands in his as he pulled me up. "The special things I compile." He pulled me up into his chest. "Each one there to make you smile on a rainy day." His hands moved so one was around my waist and the other held my hand. "They can say they can say it all sounds crazy. They can say they can say we've lost our minds. I don't care I don't care if they call us crazy." He sang with his forehead resting on mine. "Runaway to a world that we design." I sang before Varian pulled away slightly and started dancing with me.

"Every night I lie in bed the brightest colors fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake. I think of what the world could be a vision of the one I see. A million dreams is all it's gonna take." We sang to together dancing. "Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make." He spun me out facing the water with all of the lanterns.

"However big however small. Let me be part of it all. Share your dreams with me. You may be right you may be wrong just say that you'll bring me along. To the world you see." I spun back into him. "To the world I close my eyes to see. I close my eyes to see." We both sang together our foreheads connecting once more. "Every night I lie in bed." Varian sang looking into my eyes. "The brightest colors fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake." I sang back smiling up at him. "A million dreams a million dreams!" He sung spinning me. "I think of what the world could be. A vision of the one I see. A million dreams is all it's gonna take. A million dreams for the world we're gonna make."

I ended up right up against his chest. Our noses touching. "For the world we're gonna make." We both sang softly. We both stayed there for a moment before Varian pulled away. I blushed a dark red from what we both did.

'Why am I disappointed he didn't kiss me?' There was a silence between us as we sat back down on the ground, but it wasn't our regular comfortable silence. This silence felt like I was suffocating. 'I can't handle this silence any more.' "I didn't know you could dance so well Sapphires. Maybe you should join me during my meadow rituals." I said looking out at the now disappearing lanterns. I heard him laugh softly. "I didn't know I could either." We both giggled and turned back to watch what was left of the lanterns.

"We should probably get going. I don't want your dad to worry about you." I said standing up and patting my skirt from any dirt then offering him a hand to stand up. He only nodded and grabbed my hand. I hoisted him up and we started our journey to the meadow. We didn't talk much, but it was back to our regular comfortable silence. 'Should I just forget that that ever happened?'

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now