Day One

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My head was throbbing and I was in a very uncomfortable position. 'Man who knew sleeping on a floor of an abandoned cabin could mess up your back so badly.' I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust. My eyes widened when I saw myself not in the cabin in the glorious meadow I had woken up in earlier, but tied to a chair in what looked I started looking at my surroundings trying to figure out how to escape. At my feet was a black cat and next to me was a girl with short black hair tied up to a chair just like me with an owl on top of her chair.

"Who are you, and how did I get here?" A girl with long golden locks on her head walked out from the shadows with a frying pan in her clutches. She stood in front of both of us and swung her pan trying to intimidate us. "Answer me! How did you get me out of my tower?" The blonde asked and I tilted my head to the side confused. 'She was taken from a tower, and I was snatched up from that meadow I was in. Are we possibly in the same situation?' I asked myself trying to figure out what was going on.

"You really don't remember?" The brunette asked with big eyes. "Was it magic? Did you do magic to me?!" The blonde asked getting in the brunettes face. "It has to be magic." The blonde said pacing around both of us. "I mean Mother said people will try anything to steal my hair. I was just in the tower two seconds ago, and now I'm here. So, magic is really the only possible explanation." She started ranting and I stared at her. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but why would anyone want your hair? I mean besides of course voodoo, but you really only need a few strands to be successful." I said and the blonde turned her focus to me and putting the pan towards my neck. "Hey hey easy." I said trying to get away from her.

"Are you saying that you're the one who used magic on me?!" The blonde said getting closer to me. "What do you want with my hair? To cut it, sell it, use it for yourself?!" She asked me and I rolled my eyes. "I want nothing to do with this gorgeous monstrosity you've got going on here. Listen, I'm in the same boat as you. I was in my cabin and next thing I know I'm here." I said glaring at her and I could faintly hear the girl next to me muttering something. "So you did use some magic on me, didn't you?!" The girl said pointing her pan accusingly at both of us.

"No, no, I didn't use magic on you. But the reason you don't remember leaving your tower and why you don't remember leaving your cabin They used magic on both of you." The brunette said and every bone in my body was telling me she was lying. "Ruffians?!" The blonde said and I stared at the brunette. "What kind of hunters?" I asked and she turned to me. "You know exactly what kind of hunters." She said and I tilted my head to the side confused. 'Why would witch hunters use magic? That's exactly what they're trying to stop.' I thought to myself.

The blonde gasped and I rolled my eyes. "Mother told me to watch out for those! And quicksand, uh, snapping turtles, molten lava, poison ivy, puppets, guys on stilts, witches, the plague, wooden shoes-oh pointy teeth! Did those ruffians have pointy teeth?" The blonde asked the brunette and she was taken back. "O-oh they're the pointiest! Pointier than that black cats." The brunette pointed out and the blonde jumped back. "Ahh! Black cat! Mother told me they only bring bad luck!" The blonde yelled backing away from the cat at my feet. "Oh please! That is just a superstition! Either way if you put that manifestation out then it's bound to come back to bite you in the ass." I said before rolling my eyes. "You sure do have a lot of anxiety don't you? Have you ever tried sage or a crystal? It helps." I said staring at the blonde with a blank expression.

"A-and the ruffians...they were after your hair a-and the hunters. Ooh the hunters were after you." The brunette said obviously lying. "S-so, they put you both under sleeping spells so they could steal you from your tower and you from your cabin. But you see, I rescued you from them." The brunette said and I looked away from her. "Look, look, look, look, look, look. You have to get back to your mom right? And you have to go back to wherever it was you came from? I can take you to the tower and I can take you to where ever it is you want to go. You just have to untie me. Well both of us." The brunette said smiling.

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