The Flower

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Varian ended up giving me a piggy back ride, even when I assured him I was fine. "Sapphs you can put me down now. My vision isn't blurry anymore." I said giggling as he adjusted his grip on my legs. "Sorry milady, but not a chance. Since this is just now happening we have no idea if you'll pass out any time soon. Better safe than sorry!" He said with slight worry in his voice. "How about a deal?" I said moving his hair behind his ear so he could hear me better. "I'm listening." I pinched the bottom of his earlobe lightly. "How about you let me down and the second I don't feel good or my vision starts going out, I let you know and you can carry me as much as you want?" He stopped in his tracks and thought for a second.

"Alright milady, but the second something is wrong you tell me." He said as he gently let me down. "Of course!" I said and held his hand as we made our way through the tunnels. "Tripwire." Varian pointed out and stepped over it. I walked over it as well as Rapunzel.

"Pascal no!" Varian and I turned around to see Pascal with his tongue on a spider that was on the tripwire. "Pascal, I need you to carefully let go of that spider. Pascal let go of the spider and we all sighed in relief, but our relief was short lived as Ruddiger walked right through the tripwire.

"Ruddiger I love you but seriously?!" I asked and suddenly rocks started falling from the ceiling. "Watch out!" Rapunzel jumped for Ruddiger and Pascal, but she wouldn't jump far enough to avoid the rocks. I raised my hands and orange surrounded them as well as the rocks that hovered over Rapunzel. She quickly moved out from under them and I let them fall to the ground. "Are you guys okay?" I asked trying to see over the rocks, but my vision started to become cloudy again.

Rapunzel picked Ruddiger up and handed him to me and I placed him on the ground. "We're getting closer to the surface. We don't want to alarm the guards." Rapunzel said getting over the rocks. "Oh, I'm pretty sure they and everyone else have their hands full." Varian said and I saw his eyes flicker grey.

'No...I know what my dream said, but sapphires would never do something like that! At least...not my sapphires. There is something else. I didn't really notice it before, but now that I've been around him I noticed something. Every time his eyes change so does his overall energy. And for some reason it's familiar...but not in a good way.' "Huh? What do you mean?" Rapunzel asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "N-nothing." Varian said turning back around to the path. "Uh it's just, um, they have their hands full everyday! Corona you know? Busiest kingdom on earth." Varian laughed, but it was his nervous laugh. He leaned against one of the walls only to have the floor start to crumble beneath him.

"Woah, woah!" "Sapphires!" I quickly grabbed his hand only to be pulled down as well. Thankfully his staff caught our fall on the ground. "Hang on!" Rapunzel yelled to us and I rolled my eyes. "Way ahead of you!" Varian said looking down at me. "No Punz I think letting go would be a genius idea what do you think Varian?!" "I really don't need the sarcasm!" Rapunzel said as she looked down at us. I waved my hand around both of us and we appeared on the other side of the hole. Once we were out the whole floor started to cave in.

"What do we do?!" Varian yelled. "I'm gonna go with run!" Rapunzel yelled starting to run, but my vision started to become blurry and my head felt like it was spinning. I started to sway back and forth. "V-Varian!" I was quickly thrown over his shoulder and I held on tightly to the back of his shirt before he took off running. He suddenly stopped running but I could still hear the floor caving in.

"Come on guys! This way!" I heard Rapunzel say before we started falling momentarily. My vision came back as Varian was placing me on the ground. "Are you okay?!" He asked me as he checked me for injuries. "I'm fine. My vision went out and my head started spinning. Thank you!" I said and I kissed his cheek. "That was too close! You're sure this flower is worth it right? It's Coronas only hope?!" Rapunzel said as she tied her hair back up. Varian bent down to me and I got into his back. "It should be, but uh I'm not really concerned about Corona." Varian said causing Rapunzel to gasp. "Sapphires?" I said softly.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now