The Gopher Grab

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It was the morning of the gopher grab, and Varian and I were watching as Rapunzel finished setting everything up. Cassandra and Rapunzel were still fighting and it created an awkwardness so thick you could cut it. Varian yawned and stretched as we walked over to the large crate Lance and Hookfoot were pushing.

"Boy, is it ever frosty between those two." Eugene said as we watched Cass and Rapunzel walk away from each other. "They both are complete opposites when it comes to their personalities, but they are both incredibly competitive spirits." I said as I watched the two friends. Max neighed and Eugene sighed. "You're right, I should do something about it. The problem is when people don't get along, Blondie's the one who normally fixes it, and she usually does it in some unique and artful way." Eugene said thinking.

"That's it! Max, are you thinking what I'm thinking?!" Eugene yelled and Max neighed and shook his head no. "Ha-ha! Perfect! Oh, Eugene, you unique and artful devil, you!" Eugene said before walking away and Varian and I just shrugged at each other. We ended up walking around where the gopher grab would take place.

"A-are you sure Rapunzel planned this one?" I asked and Varian nodded. "Yeah. She didn't come back to the caravan at all last night and when she did she told me she was working on this." Varian said and I glared lightly at him. "You told me you went to bed at a reasonable time last night." I said crossing my arms and his eyes widened slightly. "W-well, you see, u-um, I-it was a re-reasonable time fo-for me?" He said questioning himself and rubbing the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes and looked over the fencing of the gopher grab and saw Cass and Rapunzel not too far from us.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you two are partners! Now you have to work things out! You're welcome." I heard Eugene and both of the girls turned around to probably face Eugene. "I bet you-" "No no no. I'm not making anymore bets with you until I actually get some money to my name." Varian said raising his hands in defense and I pouted slightly. "But you didn't even know what I was gonna say, Sapphires." I said pouting more and he covered his eyes.

"I can't be affected by the puppy dog eyes and pout if I can't see them!" He said turning away from me causing me to giggle. "Aww, sapphires, you're no fun." I said leaning against the fence. He was still covering his eyes and I laughed. "I'm not doing it anymore." I said and he slowly uncovered his eyes. "Once I make some money, I'll happily bet with you again." He said pinching my cheek.

"Grab that gopher." We heard Vex say unenthusiastically and rang a bell. Something broke out of the large crate and it wasn't a gopher. "Uh I'm gonna say that it's not a gopher." Varian said and I rolled my eyes. "No shit! Cmon!" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him with me to go help the citizens.

We split up to help the citizens. I was helping one of them over the fencing when a large amount of dust surrounded me. I couldn't see anything and quickly pushed the person over the fence. I was surrounded by dust and I looked around me trying to see anything. I was about to raise my arms when I was forced onto the ground. "Ahh!" I yelled and my arms were pinned next to my head by large claws. I looked above me to see large sharp fangs. It breathed in all of the dust and sneezed onto me forcing me into the ground more.

"Ew! At least cover your mouth!" I yelled as I tried to move my arms. I watched as something crashed into the creatures head leaving a blue residue on it. It whimpered in pain and released me. I was then picked up bridal style and was being carried away from the creature. I looked up and saw Varian. He crotched down behind one of the small walls Rapunzel had put up.

"Thank you!" I said smiling up at him and he sat me on the ground and started checking me for injuries. Everything seemed to be fine until he got to my arms. He quickly looked away. "Woah! Okay okay you're gonna be fine. Don't pass out." Varian said to himself and I took my hands from his and looked down at my forearms. I had a few large scratches going down each arm. They were also bleeding quite a bit.

"D-do you have any cloth that I can wrap these with?" I asked Varian as I put my arms behind my back so he could focus more. He checked his pockets and then mine as well. "You wouldn't have your satchel on you by chance would you?" He asked and I shook my head no.

Both of our eyes widened at the sound of digging and Varian acted fast. He quickly pulled me into him and moved so he covered me completely with his body just in time for the beast to sneeze. The strong wind stopped and Varian got off of me and we both heard laughing.

"You guys really undersold the gopher grab thing." I heard Hookfoot say. "No! We didn't! Because that is not a gopher!" Eugene yelled. "Huh?" "Say what?" Hookfoot and Lance both said. "You brought us the wrong animal!" Eugene yelled and Varian peaked around the wall. "Does anyone have any sort of fabric?! (Y/n)'s bleeding and I need some way to stop it!" Varian yelled only to watch the other guys get thrown around.

Varian groaned and looked around the both of us before staring down at me. He was staring sleeves? I could see the gears moving in his head and he grabbed his shirt by the shoulder and ripped off both of his sleeves. I'd be lying if I said I didn't blush at the action. He crotched down in front of me again and carefully started to wrap my arms.

Every couple of seconds he'd have to shut his eyes and look away. "I-I can do it." I said going to reach for the cloth but he pulled it away and continued to wrap both of them up. I couldn't help but stare up at him and admire him. When he moved to my other hand I reached my hand to his cheek and I leaned forward and kissed it softly. I watched as his eyes widened before he shook his head and went back to my arm. He finished wrapping it and tied the fabric off and helped me up. "Cmon!" He said before pulling me gently.

We came out from behind the wall and watched as Rapunzel fell right on top of Cassandra. "You guys get Quaid, we'll get the sneezeweasel." Rapunzel said before her and Cass were already going after the beast. "Cmon the sheriff needs us!" Eugene said and we all followed after him. Varian and I were right behind Eugene when he got to Vex.

"Don't worry kid, we got this." He said to her and we started pulling the rope, but Lance and Hookfoot came flying down and they went over the edge with Quaid. We were all thrown forwards onto the ground. "Okay, we may not actually have this." Eugene said and looked around before letting go orange surround my arms and the rope.

I started pulling and the rope was slowly but surely coming back up. "You thought that was a gopher?!" Eugene yelled. "M-me?! You drew him as big as a tree!" Lance argued. "It's called perspective! Those trees are in the background!" Eugene yelled and I blinked a few times before shaking my head back and forth. "(Y/n)?!" Varian asked and I just pulled the rope harder. "Hurry! (Y/n) can't last much longer! Pull harder!" Varian yelled and they started to pull harder. I blinked and looked in front of me and everything was blurry. "V-Varian." I said softly. "Eugene!" Vex yelled and I heard something coming behind me. "(Y/n)!" I heard Varian yell before the rope was pulled hard making me fall forwards. I felt something cover me and I closed my eyes. There was a loud inhale right on top of me and I bit my lip waiting for the sneeze.

"Hey! Pricklepuss!" I heard Rapunzel yell. The creature screeched on top of us and I covered my ears from how loud it was. My hands were carefully removed from my ears and I blinked a few times and my vision started to come back. Next to me was Vex and on top of me was Varian, and Eugene was on top of all of us protecting us. My vision was still going in and out as we went back to trying to pull the others up. Not long after, a lot of the citizens helped us pull everyone up.

"Next time, the princess draws the picture." Hookfoot said and I rubbed my eyes to try and make my vision go back to normal. I felt two hands gently wrap around my wrists and pull them away from my eyes. "You're just going to make it worse, love." I heard Varian say and I blushed a dark red. My vision was still going in and out as I stared at him. "I-I u-uh..." I stuttered out and he just raised my arms to check on how the scratches were doing. "Are you okay?" He asked. "U-um y-yeah I'm g-good." I said and he nodded.

"Thank you for protecting me and helping me with this." I said softly as I raised my arms to get a better look at them. "I'm always going to be here to protect you, milady." He said smiling at me and I couldn't help but stare at his cute freckled cheeks, his bright blue eyes, and his gorgeous smile. "I love you, Varian." I said softly and I watched as a blush crawled up his cheeks. "I love you too, (Y/n)." He said and kissed my cheek before carefully pulling me to the caravan with the others.

We said our goodbyes to Quaid and Vex. Quaid even gave me a few jars of his famous honey which I'm incredibly great full for. My arms were wrapped up properly by Eugene and Varian, Ruddiger, and Sunny wouldn't leave my side. I did have to keep reminding Varian not to look while Eugene was wrapping my arms though. Overall, today was a pretty good day!

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