Friends on the Other Side

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(A/n): Just before you get started I just wanted to let you guys know that I spend a lot of time on this chapter and I really hope you like it! I think this is my favorite chapter I've written so far! Alright that's all guys!!

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Let's get this over with. As the keeper of the spire, I have important things to get to." Calliope said and I gritting my teeth and pointed at her. "Don't you disrespect me little girl. Don't you derogate or deride." I said placing my hands on my hips staring at both of the girls in front of me. "You're in my world now not your world." I placed my hands onto the table with a smirk and Rapunzel stared at me with wonder filling her eyes. Calliope stayed unamused. "And I've got friends on the other side." I sang and purple mist scans out of my hands, surrounded the floor, and my body. "She's got friends on the other side." Hermès, Death, Fate, and Hades all sang together from the back of the room causing everyone to look around scared. I brushed my hands together and the smoke around my body left revealing me in a black and purple striped dress with a black corset vest. My hair was up in a high ponytail with a few strands of hair down to frame my face.

"That's an echo everyone

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"That's an echo everyone. Just a little something to get the mood going. A little parlor trick, don't worry." I said and my gaze matched with Varian's for a split second. He was resting his head on his hand being only concentrated on me. Purple started to come out of my hands once more and my smirk grew. "Sit down at my table." I said and pulled my arms towards me and two chairs caught both of the girls pulling them into the table. "Put your minds at ease." I said and walked behind them. "If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please." I said and bopped Rapunzel's nose causing her to giggle.

"I can read your future." I said and Varian came up behind me and held my hands. "I can change it 'round some too." I sang and he spun me a few times and leading me back behind the table. "I'll look deep into your heart and soul." I said as I stared at Rapunzel. "You do have a soul, don't you, Calliope?" I asked and she scoffed at me. "Make your wildest dreams come true." I sang and Varian lifted me up onto the table.

"I got voodoo!" I sang and raised my left arm causing every candle to come to life. "I got hoodoo!" I raised my right arm over my eyes to reveal crystals between each finger. Varian was now standing behind the two girls and I smirked. The crystals between my fingers disappeared and I raised both of my hands and thin purple strings attached to each finger and went gently around different parts of Varian's body. "I got things I ain't even tried!" I sang and made Varian raise one of his arms raise up and spun him around. I released the magic connecting to my fingers releasing him as well. "And I got friends on the other side." I sang with a smirk and Varian was by my side once more helping me off the table.

"She's got friends on the other side." The four gods sang once more and Varian pushed my chair in for me. Purple stopped flowing front my hands, but it still lingered inside the room. I placed the deck down and cards started floating across the table on their own. "The cards, the cards, the cards will tell." I said as I gathered all the cards together and held it in one hand. "The past, the present, and the future as well." I sang and one card placed itself onto the table exactly where they were supposed to.

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