Wand Search

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It's been about a month since the lost princess returned and since Varian took me to the festival. Ever since that day I felt my feelings for Varian grow by the day. We haven't talked about what happened at all. 'Maybe I should bring it up? But what if he just brushes me off as if nothing happened. Or what if he tells me he was just caught up in the moment?!' I was so caught up in my thoughts that the necklace I was creating snapped. I sighed and placed my head down on the table. I soon felt tears coming to my eyes. I sat back up and wiped my tears and sighed trying to calm down.

I felt Sunny rub against my arm. I pet behind his ears before he crawled into my lap. "I really want to talk about what happened and tell him how I feel, but I don't want to lose him. You and him are the only ones I have and I don't want to ruin our friendship." I said to Sunny. He looked up at me with big green eyes full of sympathy. I picked up Sunny and placed him on the table. I took the piece of metal I was working on previously and placed it in the fire to heat up.

"This is the third one I've broken today. I really need to get my head straight huh Sunny?" I asked turning to him. He simply meowed in response. I waited for the metal to heat up enough before pulling it out of the fire carefully. I sat back at the table and started shaping it.

After a few more times of putting it in the fire, taking it out, and shaping it I finally finished. I placed a rose quartz crystal inside before closing it and connecting it to the necklace chain. I put it to the 5 similar necklaces I created earlier to cool.

"Cmon Sunny

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"Cmon Sunny. I want to try and create a new wand today. I might have to visit Varian to help me with an idea I have for it." I said holding the door open for Sunny to walk out before grabbing my bag and following Sunny. I looked through some of the sticks in the meadow before finally finding a dowsing rod. I pointed the dowsing rod in all directions slowly before locking onto something. It was pointing east.

I smiled down at Sunny. "Ready to get a brand new wand Sunny?" He simply rubbed against my leg before heading where the dowsing rod was pointed. I followed the dowsing rod for what felt like hours. Sunny was now traveling in my bag, and I was humming while still following the dowsing rod. I looked up at the sky. It was now nighttime. The stars were gleaming and I stared for a moment before continuing to follow the dowsing rod.

I eventually came up to an area that had a plaque and these strange black rocks surrounding it. Before I could inspect the plaque or the strange rocks, two women beat me to it. They were both brunette with short hair. They were talking but I couldn't make out anything. I looked down at my dowsing rod and it was pointing right where both of the women were.

Suddenly one of the women pulled out a sword and struck the black rocks causing her sword to shatter. My eyes were wide. "If a sword can't cut it imagine how strong of a protection spell I could cast with it. I bet even wearing it would be instant protection!" I whispered to myself as I stared at these rocks in awe.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now