Sea Shanties

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(Y/n)'s POV:

I was running in the water near the shore and laughing. "That's not fair!" I glanced behind me to see Varian wiping his eyes from water that had gotten in them. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. "What are you talking about Sapphs?" I said with a small smirk on my lips. "Oh yeah sure! That wave totally came up out of no where just by chance?!" He said starting to walk closer to me. "I don't know, Sapphs. Maybe you pissed off Poseidon." I said and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. Our foreheads touched and I felt my heart beat quicken. Our lips were about to touch when I was swept off my feet. Literally.

"Hey! Put me down!" I said as Varian walked farther into the water. "What? I can't hear you over the sound of my genius plan!" Varian said as he kept walking into the water and I felt my clothes getting more wet. I wrapped my arms around his neck to get more secure. "If you drop me I swear that I'll-" "You'll what? Ooh cast a curse upon me? Something along the lines of, every third moon your eyes will become slits, bones will twist and turn, hair will become black as night, and you will forever be my servant." Varian said and tried to make his voice sound creepy.

"After that comment I think I would prefer the water." I said letting go of him, but he still held me in his grasp. "Wow I am deeply offended, Milady. I think just for that comment I won't put you down." He said trying to use my comeback against me and I shrugged my shoulders. "Suit yourself Sapphires." I said and raised one of my hand up and suddenly a wave washed over us. We tumbled onto the shore and I was giggling while Varian was trying to glare at me. His efforts of looking mad only made him look more adorable than he already is. I stood up and started ringing my hair out.

"Aww is baby Varian mad that he got wet?" I asked pouting and he rolled his eyes at me. "Ha ha very funny." He said and I started to ring the water out of my clothes when I was suddenly splashed with an insane amount of water. I looked all around me to see Varian staring at me with wide eyes. "Uh...what just happened?" He asked and I looked out to the ocean to see a rather large man glaring at me. 'Don't mess with my waters again Witch or next time I won't set you free.' The familiar figure of Poseidon yelled in the distance and I gulped before nodding. "Y-yes sir." I said softly and going into a bowing position. "I-it won't happen again, sir!" I said and I could hear him scoff. I looked up and saw he was gone.

I heard a laugh behind me and I saw Varian crotch down next to me. "I have to say you look completely ridiculous right now." He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes and shoved him back into the water. "Hey! That was rude!" He said pouting and I giggled. I held my hand out for him to get up, but I was pulled down into the water instead. We both laughed and splashed each other getting us both entirely soaked.

"Come on you two! The boat's leaving soon!" Rapunzel yelled to both of us and we ran out of the water grabbing our shoes from the sand. We both ran to the dock and were stopped by Eugene once we stepped foot onto it. "How are you both soaked?! We left you for maybe ten minutes!" Eugene said and I smiled. "We're teenagers, Eugene. Unexpected things like throwing each other in the ocean happen." I said and started ringing out my skirt watching the water fall onto the dock. Eugene sighed and pointed his thumb back at the boat. "Just get on already." He said and Varian grabbed my hand and pulled me with him across the dock.

"You know, my little Schlutchowsen? For as disgusting, loutish and incredibly unsightly as they were, I'm going to miss those stupid freinfloofers!" Jorn said and I giggled while Varian rolled his eyes. "We'll miss you too Jorn!" I said and we waved to him as we climbed up onto the boat. We all watched as the new caravan that the guys and I rebuilt was being pulled onto the boat.

"Well, I'm so glad the ferry's here so we can finally get off this island." Rapunzel said to Eugene. "And when we get back on land, we'll have a brand new set of wheels." Eugene said gesturing to the caravan that Hookfoot and Lance were pushing. "Yep. It only took six weeks of back breaking work, but here we are." Lance said and Varian rolled his eyes. "Yeah, of course, four of those weeks were spent ensuring all of the specifications were up to Corona Transport Code. Thank you very much, Max." Eugene said sarcastically to Max and Varian crossed his arms.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now