The Big Match

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Third POV:

The group of friends were sitting in the cell all shivering. "This cell is a little drafty." Hookfoot said with chattering teeth. "Okay, I don't like this any more than you guys. But if we want to stay warm, we've got to cuddle. Bring it in, bring it in. Come on, bring it in guys." Lance said standing up with his arms out. "I'll freeze, thank you. And where do you keep getting pie from?" Cassandra asked as Lance stuffed his face with a piece of pie. "I'll never tell." He said and Eugene sighed.

"Blondie's only got a day left." Eugene said and Cassandra nodded. "At least with (Y/n) they can make it back in an instant." Cassandra said and Varian looked up at the others. "W-wait...what did you say, Cassie?" Varian asked and everyone looked at him. "I said with (Y/n) they can make it back in an instant. Because, you know, her powers." Cassandra said and Varian's eyes widened. "She didn't tell you guys?" He asked and Eugene stared down at Varian.

"Didn't tell us what?" "(Y/n) is taking a break from using her magic." Varian said and everyone's eyes widened. "What?!" They all yelled and Eugene crotched down in front of Varian. "What do you mean she's taking a break from magic?" "You know that nightmare (Y/n) had a few weeks ago?" Varian asked and they all nodded remembering being awoken by an ear splitting shriek. "After that dream she decided it would be best if she took a break until she could ask someone about it. The only problem is that she hasn't been able to get in contact with anyone. She's terrified of her dream and I don't blame her." Varian said looking down at his lap and Eugene placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Varian, kid, we need details." Eugene said softly and Varian looked over Eugene's shoulder at the others. Eugene understood and faced the others. "Give team awesome a little privacy would ya?" Eugene asked and the others sighed moving to the opposite side of the cell and covering their ears. "Tell me what is going on." Eugene said and Varian nodded looking down at his lap. "The nightmare was about Zhan Tiri taking over her body. And I mean completely like full take over. She's terrified of that happening again, and while I still had some control when Zhan Tiri was in my body, (Y/n) didn't. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. Sometimes she comes to sleep with me because she's scared of Zhan Tiri taking over her body when it's at it's most relaxed state. She's hardly been sleeping and is constantly waiting for answers never getting any sort of response." Varian said.

"When was the last time she used magic?" Eugene asked and Varian shrugged his shoulders. "It's been weeks. She doesn't even do the snap changing clothes thing anymore. She's meditating more than I have ever seen her during this whole trip, and she gets more and more frustrated after each session which is the opposite of what meditation is supposed to do!" Varian said finally letting out all of his worry for his girlfriend.

"She refuses to do any magic so the chances of her doing the teleportation spell are one in a million." Varian said and Eugene nodded understanding Varian's concern. "She's going to be alright, kid. Don't worry. You know that we would do anything to protect her. We protect each other and nothing is going to change that. Alright?" Eugene asked and Varian nodded. Eugene stood up and turned to face the others. "You can uncover your ears now." Eugene said and they did.

"Oh, Rider!" The constable said walking in front of the cell. "To get your mind off the Eye, I brought one of my paintings. It's the Mines of Malanay. A preview of what the rest of your life will look like. See you tomorrow." The constable said leaving the painting and laughing evilly. "He painted the mines?!" Eugene said picking up the painting and everyone gasped at it. "What are they mining?! Skulls?!" Eugene asked sarcastically. "He didn't finish painting that guy." Hookfoot said and Lance pointed at the other half of the man's body. "Oh, yes, he did. Over there." Lance said and Varian covered his eyes before he could pass out from the picture. "Hmm...he's got talent." Cassandra said.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now