Great Moms

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Ruddiger was sat on Varian's shoulder and Sunny was walking next to me. Every now and then Ruddiger would get down to chase Sunny only to end up getting swat and hissed at minutes later. I wasn't carrying my basket anymore because Varian insisted that it was improper for a lady tone carrying anything. Varian and I were holding hands as we walked. Every so often Varian would ask if it hurt to hold my hand. It was really cute!

"So milady, where are you taking us?" He asked as I was swinging our hands a little. "The Empyrean Shower is tonight! I just thought it would be a good date! And I know the perfect spot on Mount Saison!" I said smiling up at him. He smiled back at me. We heard rustling coming from the basket. We looked over and saw Ruddiger getting into the food I packed. "Hey Buddy! You can't eat that yet!" Varian said picking him up by his tail.

When Varian lifted him up he had a red apple already in his mouth. "Ruddiger we need to teach you manners." Varian said placing him on the ground. I laughed softly. "He gets into everything. One day I'm going to wake up and my lab is going to be completely destroyed because of him." He said before rubbing his face. "Maybe he's just trying to join you. Whenever Sunny wants to help me with anything, he lays down right where I'm working. I soon started giving him is own things 'work on' as I finish up what I'm doing." I said putting air quotes around work on. "So make him like my assistant?" Varian asked. "Yup! You can even make him his own goggles and gloves. He might actually be very helpful. He has small hands? Paws? I don't know, but he can fit into hard to reach places that you can't. And it might be fun!" I said smiling at him. "Does Sunny actually help you?" Varian asked raising an eyebrow at me. "If pushing things off the table counts then yes he's the biggest help in the world." Varian laughed.

"Earlier you said that you're trying to gain complete control of your powers, how's that going so far?" He asked looking down at me. "It's been okay. I've been meditating and reading a lot. I was able to find out that my dad was a demon so technically I'm half demon half witch? I'm not really sure what I am at this point." I said running a hand through my hair. "Sunny took me to the library a few days ago and he showed me a book. It ended up being about this demon and how he learned to control his powers. It the closest thing I have to a guide on what to do. But the only thing there really is the different phases I'll have to go through." I said looking down at our laced fingers.

"What are these different stages?" Varian asked a little worried. "The order the book says is bleeding, bruising, open sores, unconsciousness, and magic pretty much falling from your mouth." I said listing off what the book said. "Well you've done bleeding, and now you have to get through bruising. We can worry about the other ones once we get there!" Varian said smiling and I smiled back kissing his cheek.

We continued walking until we reached the base of the mountain. Up ahead I saw Rapunzel, the Queen, and someone else. "Is that Rapunzel and the queen?" Varian asked. "I think so." We started walking towards them. "Hey Punz!" I called out as we got closer to them. "Oh! Varian! (Y/n)! What are you guys doing here?" She asked giving us both hugs. "We're going to watch the Empyrean Shower." I said smiling at her. "So are we! You should totally join us!" She said practically jumping already.

"We can join you until about two thirds of the way up. Sapphires and o are going to what I think is the perfect spot to watch." I said pointing at the mountain. "Okay!" Rapunzel then introduced both Varian and I to the queen and her sister Willow. "Happy birthday your majesty!" Varian said smiling at the queen and giving a small bow. "Why thank you Varian." She said smiling at him.

Willow was playing with what looked like an Üümlaut. "Ari, look who you left behind." Willow said handing the Üümlaut to the queen. "Thank you Willow. I almost forgot." The queen said as it started shaking its rattle. "Is that an Üümlaut? I've only read about them in books!" I said and the queen handed it over to me. "And you call me the nerd." Varian said smirking at me. "Hey I'm not the one who made an entire shrine for a fictional character!" I said pushing him lightly.

He simply laughed and started walking towards Rapunzel and Willow. "And I'm not the one who made a shrine to a greek goddess." "My Persephone altar has nothing to do with this!" I heard the queen laugh next to me. "You two are together aren't you?" She asked smiling at me. "Y-yeah we are." The Üümlaut shook its rattle and I could see the annoyance on the queens face.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't realize we were so close!" Willow said. "Close to where?" Varian asked trying to look over her shoulder at the map. "One of my favorite places in the world!" With that Willow and Rapunzel took off leaving Varian, Sunny, Ruddiger, the queen, and I behind. "Let's go your highness before they run all the way there without us." I said as I watched Varian start following the other two. "(Y/n) you can just call me Ariana." She said smiling at me. "Oh first name basis with the queen." I rubbed the back of my neck. "That's a first." We started walking and I caught up with Varian.

The Üümlaut was placed on my shoulder and I could tell Varian was getting annoyed every time it shook its rattle along with the queen. I gave the creature back to Willow who gave it back to the queen. I looked back at her with a look of sympathy. I whispered in Varian's ear. "The queen doesn't look to happy. I'm going to be with her in the back for a little bit." Varian simply nodded and was soon busy with Ruddiger and Sunny.

"I don't know much about sibling relationships, but it looks like you could use some time without Willow." I said while removing the creature from her shoulder and placing it on mine. "It's just that this is the first year I'm able to spend my birthday with my daughter and I wanted it to be just her and I. And now Willow is practically taking her away from me and messing with everything I planned out." I nodded. "You're nervous that Rapunzel is going to like Willow more than you." The queen sighed and nodded.

"Listen Ariana, great moms only come around so often. And from what I've seen you do for the kingdom and Rapunzel, I know that you're an amazing mother. In my opinion, wanting to actually spend time with your daughter and do something you both will enjoy is amazing! While I don't have my mother with me anymore I know that if I had a mom like you I wouldn't trade you for anything. And that includes your sister." I said staring ahead and smiling softly as we walked together. "May I ask what happened to your mother?" Ariana asked before groaning at the creature shaking the rattle. "Oh she was burned at the stake for being a witch." I said petting the creature on my shoulder. I heard Ariana choke on her spit before she composed herself. "I'm sorry for your lose." I shrugged my shoulders. "It is what it is!"

It was silent for a few moments. "Are you a witch as well?" She asked and I froze for a moment. "Uhhh will I be arrested if I say yes?" I ask and she smiles down at me. "Not at all." "Then yes I'm a witch. A pretty good one in my opinion too. Sunny is my familiar." I said pointing to the cat that was being held by Varian. The rest of the walk was quite peaceful when we reached a pub named The Snuggly Duckling.

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