Sadness Brings Happiness

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Third POV:

The five of them sat tied up all together not even daring to speak. Pascal was glaring at Rapunzel, (Y/n) was shaking like a leaf, Ruddiger was trying to comfort his owner, Rapunzel was struggling to get out of her ropes, and Varian was glaring at the ground. "Pascal stop looking at me like that." Rapunzel said and Pascal's glare only hardened more. "Okay, I know! I know! I blew the chance onto get rid of the idol of versha...vork....en...the-the idol. And now I'm still homesick, I lost the statue, deceived all of my friends, and endangered the island! See, I admitted it. There, are you happy?" Rapunzel said to Pascal in a rush. "W-what the hell even was that?" (Y/n) said scared out her mind. "Yeah I'd like to know too. What did you guys see and why the hell was I in it?" Varian said glaring at both of the girls. The (e/c) eyed girl looked up at him with big eyes.

"Zhan tiri was there and so were you. Y-your eyes...they were grey and you were trying to poison the king. Zhan tiri was threatening me with your safety." (Y/n) said softly and Rapunzel looked at her. "So that's what the shadowy thing was supposed to be?" Rapunzel asked and (Y/n) nodded. " still think that I'm going to do something like that?" Varian said through gritted teeth as he glared at the floor. "Varian, I-" She started to say and Varian sighed. "I don't want to hear it Rapunzel." Varian said turning away from the girls.

"Guys, there you are." Eugene said as he entered the hut with Cassandra. "Eugene, Cass! Oh, thank goodness. How did you find us?" Rapunzel asked and Eugene stared at her and Cassandra started to untie Varian. "Everyone was worried when you didn't come back." Cass said finishing up untying Varian. Varian kept his head down and started to untie (Y/n).  "What is with the Lorbs? Why would they do this to you?" Eugene said and Rapunzel looked down and away. "It's the statue." Varian said as he pulled the rope off of (Y/n) and they both started working on Ruddiger. "What? Because you got rid of it? None of what the idol showed us was real anyway. It was just false happiness." Eugene said to Rapunzel and he held onto her shoulders. "They should be thanking you for getting rid of it." Eugene said and Rapunzel turned her head to the side. "Yeah, about that..." Rapunzel said and everyone except Varian looked at her. "Raps, what did you do?" Cassandra asked and Rapunzel looked at the ground.

"I lied to everyone. I just wanted that happy feeling again." Rapunzel was about to continue when Eugene stepped in. "Wait, so you didn't get rid of it?" Eugene said and Varian groaned. "No she didn't! When Pascal led us all to her we saw (Y/n) and Rapunzel about to legitimately fight over it! And Rapunzel was trying to beat (Y/n)!" Varian said crossing his arms at both of the girls and (Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck. "What?! Blondie, you really wanted to fight (Y/n)?! I mean even I'm not that stupid!" Eugene said and (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Wait none of you would fight me for the idol if I got it?" She asked as she started formulating a plan in her head only to be stopped by Varian's stern look. "Oh no you don't. You are not going anywhere near that thing! Let me give you a refresher of what happened not too long ago. Scary demon person trying to get to you! Please tell me if that's ringing any sort of bell in your head!" Varian said crossing his arms at her and she bit her lip softly and nodded. "Fair point. That was really scary." (Y/n) said and maniacal laughter was heard in the distance and Eugene looked out the window. "The Lorbs have it now and they're growing more hostile by the minute. So once you free me, I can take it to the top of the temple and..." Rapunzel, Varian, and (Y/n) all looked around them to see the other two already gone. "Oh come on!" Rapunzel yelled and (Y/n) and Varian started to untie Rapunzel and Pascal.

The three walked out of the hut to see everyone fighting over the statue. They hid behind one of the huts and watched as a lorb and Max ran by. "There it is!" (Y/n) said pointing to it. Rapunzel started to let down her hair. "Varian, do you think we're within 70 feet?" Rapunzel asked him and he rolled his eyes. "Yes but barely." He said and both of the girls nodded. Rapunzel used her hair to trip the lorb carrying the statue and a vine poked out of the ground making it fly in the air. Varian held the bag Rapunzel had been carrying before and use it to catch it. "Okay, all we got to do is get this idol to the top of that temple before they see us. Doesn't look too bad." Rapunzel said and started sprinting towards the temple. "I think it's going to be easier said than done!" (Y/n) yelled as her and Varian started trying to pick up her hair so it wouldn't give them away.

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