Meadow Dance

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I woke up to the sounds of birds and the sunlight shining through my windows. Sunny was asleep on the window sill basking in the sunlight. I got off my bed and started to pet Sunny making him purr. "We have to get ready. It's a very special day today!" I said smiling at him. He simple closed his eyes and turned away from me going back to sleep.

"Oh cmon Sunny you love singing and dancing in the meadow with me!" I said picking him up carefully. I gently placed him on the bed before searching through my closet for something to wear for the ritual. I pulled out a small black corset, a white flowy top, and a black skirt. On my dresser was a flower crown that I made the night before. I quickly changed making sure to tuck my shirt into my skirt then putting my corset on. I brushed my hair and placed the flower crown on my head.

I grabbed some crystals, seeds, and a tambourine before heading outside

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I grabbed some crystals, seeds, and a tambourine before heading outside. I ran into the very center of the meadow. The soft breeze was running through my hair. There were many flowers surrounding an almost perfect outline of a circle. This being the center of the meadow. This was the only spot where nothing but grass grew. I smiled wide and glanced down at Sunny. "Are you ready to get started?" I asked crouching down to his level. He meowed softly at me and rubbed against my legs. I giggled and pet him a few times.

"Okay now to line the circle." I placed crystals around the edge of the circle and took my tambourine and seeds in both my hands. I removed my shoes so they were outside of the circle and walked into the center. I attached the seed pouch to my corset to make it easier to get to them. I slowly started getting into a beat with the tambourine and digging my feet into the fresh grass. "Oh you hear a lot of stories 'bout the sailors and their sport. About how every sailor has a girl in every port." I skipped and spun throwing seeds around me.

"But if you added 2 and 2 you'd figure out right quick. It's just because the girls all have a lad on every ship." I spun dancing around Sunny who's sitting dead center of the circle. "And it's twiddle ee ai dee ai twiddle ee ai dee ei! It's often times a man will leave you broken with dismay. And it's twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai twiddle ee ai dee ei. There's other things to twiddle when the men have sailed away." I threw more seeds around me. I stared up at the sky trying to let all my energy into the meadow.

"Lucky Annie was a lady who'd been pleased by many men. They all would sail away but then they'd come right back again. But if they never sailed away she really didn't care! Cause I know that you don't need a man to twiddle under there!" I ran out of seeds but I continued singing and dancing inside the circle. My hands playing the tambourine and swinging my skirt.

"And it's twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai twiddle ee ai dee ei! It's often times a man will leave you broken with dismay! And it's twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai twiddle ee ai dee ai! There's other things to twiddle when the men have sailed away!" I spun around and spotted someone while I was spinning. I stopped facing them and smiled even wider than I already was. In front of me was Varian.

Before he could say anything I threw the tambourine at him. "Saber had her lovers, they came in at every door. You could even say that she was really quite a whore!" I said while singing and still dancing now free to use my hands without the tambourine. "But when she needs some pleasing, she knows just where to go." I moved my skirt around me with my hands making it spin more. Varian watched with a smile on his face as he continued to play on my behalf. "I grab my good friend Madam Rouge and we go down below!" I kept going now kicking some fresh dirt up. "And it's twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai twiddle ee ai dee ei! It's often times a man will leave you broken with dismay! And it's twiddle ee ai dee ai dee ai twiddle ee ai dee ai! There's other things to twiddle when the men have sailed away!" (I know this isn't the full song but it's a crazy long song!) I did one final spin before facing Varian.

"It's so nice of you to join me Sapphires!" I said jumping over the circle I made. "I will always love to join you milady." He said taking one of my hands and spinning me before bowing and holding out my tambourine to take. "Milady as much as I enjoyed the show may I ask what you were doing?" He smiled up at me. I laughed at his formal tongue and pushed his shoulder lightly. "Shut up Saphs! This is just one of the many rituals I do. This one I give back all the seeds I've gotten that I haven't used in spells or potions. It's also a thank you to the meadow. Since I'm giving back what I didn't need the meadow will give me back even more!" I said putting my tambourine on the ground and picking up the crystals.

"So you plant seeds?" I rolled my eyes and smiled up at him. "To you maybe, but to me it's a really big deal. It's one of the many ways I keep the meadow happy. If I keep doing my part then the meadow will never turn on me or let anything bad happen to me while I'm here!" He nodded understanding why it means so much to me. "Why don't you wear shoes?" I looked down at my now dirty feet. "It makes me feel more connected to the meadow and the more connected the better!" I picked up the tambourine again and started walking back to the cabin with Sunny and Varian hot on my tail. "So Sapphires, what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?" I asked looking into his big blue eyes. "Well milady, I have a surprise for you!" He said taking my hand in his and pulling me faster to my cabin. "Really?! What is it?!" I asked holding onto his hand with both of mine. I could've sworn I saw his freckled cheeks turn pink. "Milady with all due respect it's called a surprise for a reason." He said with sarcasm dripping from his mouth. I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay I trust you, but do I need to change at all?" I asked looking down at my clothes that were covered in some dirt. I put everything inside while he followed. "Nope! Just maybe some shoes. We'll be walking for quite awhile." I nodded and slipped on some shoes. "Well I'm ready whenever you are sapphires!"

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