Uncomfortable Atmosphere

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I was sitting with Lance and Shorty watching Cassandra practice. She was working on slicing a bush when her sword flew out of her hand. "You wanna give it a break? That shrub can only take so much." Lance said and I looked up from my sandwich. "I agree Cass. You're over working yourself. Take a break, you deserve it." I said before taking a bite out of the sandwich Varian had made for each of us. "Thanks to Rapunzel and her little trick at the great tree, I have to relearn everything using this hand. So breaks aren't really an option. Plus we all need to be on our A game. This is Westrabbit Woods." Cassandra said before turning back to the bush.

"There are wild boars." Lance scoffed while Cassandra hit the shrub. "Slayer wolves." Cassandra said hitting the shrub. "Double ha ha." Lance said getting ready to take a bit of his sandwich. "And...jumping spiders." Cassandra said with a smirk and Lance dropped his sandwich scared making me laugh. "What?! Spiders?!" Lance said before jumping up and swinging his knife at anything and everything. I laughed holding my stomach and almost falling off the rock I was sitting on.

Not long after Varian, Eugene, and Max came back. "Rapunzel! They're back." Cassandra yelled. "You'll never guess what yours truly spotted with his gorgeous brown eyes!" Eugene said and Varian rolled his eyes. "If anyone spotted it, it was Max and I." Varian said crossing his arms over his chest and I giggled. "Varian did you spot something with those glorious sapphire eyes of yours?" I asked with a small smirk and he rolled his eyes at me. "I did actually. And it is rather helpful." Varian said and they lead us to a small river.

"The caravan!" Rapunzel yelled and Eugene out his hands on his hip. "Yep, found it myself. Well, Max and Varian helped." Varian crossed his arms at Eugene and Max huffed at him. "Max and Varian found it." Eugene said and I laughed. "But I was instrumental in that I did not get in the way." Eugene said and Rapunzel hugged all three of them. I noticed she hugged Varian the shortest amount of time though. "You guys, this is amazing!" We all worked together to get the caravan out of the water and onto land.

When we got both of them onto land one of the two halves fell over onto its side. "Uh, allow me." Shorty said before hanging a small lantern onto the one that was still standing up. Not long after that side fell over too. "I believe my work here is done." Shorty said and I rolled my eyes. "How are we going to get these two back together?" Lance asked and Varian cracked his knuckles under his gloves. "Now that we actually have the caravan, it shouldn't be to hard to fix again." Varian said and I nodded. "The only thing I'm really worried about is the water damage. Who knows how long it's been sitting there." I said and looked at the wood underneath the caravan.

"It's just going to take a little TLC and a lot of glue." Eugene said with a little too much optimism for my liking. "And a whole bunch of parts." Lance said holding up two broken pieces of wood. "And probably an entirely new base." I said running my hand along the wet and damaged wood. "No problem! Cass and I are on the case. We'll go get supplies." Rapunzel said and I heard Cass sigh. "Sounds good to me. (Y/n) you should come too." Cass said looking at me and I pointed at myself unsure if she really wanted me to go. "O-oh (Y/n) can come too! I-it'll be a girls trip!" Rapunzel said and I nodded. "Can Sunny come too?" I asked and Rapunzel nodded.

I walked behind Rapunzel and Cassandra with Sunny by my side. 'Why would Cass ask me to come with? If I'm being honest they are both making this really really awkward and uncomfortable. I hope they can make up soon.' I thought to myself with my hands in the pockets of my red skirt.

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