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"Demanitis!!!!" I yelled into the astral plane. "I thought you needed to talk to me!!!" I yelled again. I sighed and walked outside of my body. "He says he has something important to talk about and doesn't even show up!" I said rolling my eyes and pacing in front of my body by the apple tree. I glanced down at Sunny who is surprisingly staring right back at me. "Can you see me Sunny?" I asked softly.

"Yes I can mistress." A deep low voice said. "Talking cat!" I said before tripping over my own feet and falling on my butt in front of Sunny. I quickly regained myself. "S-so you are a familiar?" "Yes mistress." I looked down at the ground. "Y-you can just call me (y/n)." "Of course (y/n)." I looked up to see him sitting in front of me. "Do you know where Demanitis is?" He simply rubbed against my leg. "He didn't call you here. I did." "Oh...well what did you want to talk about?" I asked sitting criss cross and smiling at him. He sat in front of me and I watched as his tail swished back and forth.

"I've been watching you for a very long time. Ever since you were born actually." My eyes widened slightly. "A-are you-" He cut me off shaking his head. "No dear I'm not the one that has attacked you on numerous occasions. In fact all of us can not stand her." "Her?! Oh man now I feel bad for calling her a him all this time." I heard Sunny sigh. "Your heart is too big for this plane, (y/n). She will attack again soon. She has a plan. While I'm not entirely sure what it is yet, you need to be ready." My eyes widened. "But I don't have control of anything yet!" "I know, but the time will come where you face her yourself. Soon someone will ask you to go venture with them outside the walls of Corona. You must accept. On this journey you will learn how to control your powers. You will even learn how to protect yourself from becoming possessed." Sunny said staring at me with his green eyes.

"A-and if I don't go?" I asked. "The demon will take complete control of you once it's free. Shoving your spirit out of your own body. Your body will only become a shell for the demon to use. It will take control of your powers and we will never win this battle. The world will be plunged into an eternity of darkness." I nodded understanding the severity of the situation.

"Where do I start?" I said smiling up at him. "We will start with more meditating. No more distractions! You will practice every chance you get." He said pacing in front of me. "I-I can still see Varian though right?" I asked with pleading eyes. Sunny dropped his tail as sighed. "Fine but only on the original meeting time. Only on Wednesday's. No other day. No surprise visits. And if he does come here I won't hesitate to use claws. And don't you dare think about going to visit him." I bit my lip and nodded as Sunny glared at me.

"Since you've watched over me since birth can you tell me about my mom more? I don't remember much of her anymore." I said biting my lip looking at him. He simply sighed. "You only talk about your mother and never your father." "Wait! You know about my father?! I don't know anything about him!" Sunny looked at me surprised. "Your mother never told you anything about him?" I shook my head no. "To put it simply your father was one of the most powerful demons to exist before the one you now know as the most powerful demon." He said smirking. "Can you tell me more about both of my parents?" I asked. "How about we make a deal. Every time you master any of your powers I'll give you information. Sound fair?" "Can mastering count as achieving what might be the simplest thing?" I watched as he rolled his eyes. "I'll decide what is and isn't worthy of information." I nodded. "That's fair." "Now dear, let's get started. First we'll need to visit the library in the kingdom. Let's go and bring a basket." I nodded and walked back into my body.

I opened my eyes and saw Sunny standing in front of me before meowing and walking to the cabin. I followed him and grabbed a basket. I put it on the floor for him to get in and wrapped a cloak around myself. I put some apples, money, and crystals in my basket as well. Once he jumped in I raised my wand above my head before hearing a hiss. I looked down at Sunny seeing him staring at the wand. "You don't want me to use the wand?" I saw him shake his head no. I placed my wand in the basket with him and went to head out the door when he hissed again. "You don't want me to walk and you don't want me to use my wand?" He nodded. "What should I use then?" He rubbed against my hand that was holding the basket.

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now