Daddy Daughter Talk

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The trip back to the castle was long and exhausting. The guards eventually placed me on one of their horses. My entire body was exhausted, but I had to keep the flames on my arm strong. 'If they get ahold of the copy then they will all go after the others.' I thought to myself. The flame would die down sometimes, but before the guards could grab it the flames would come back. "You're exhausting yourself out. Your flame is going to burn out sooner or later. Just give us the graphtyc." One of the guards said softly to me. I shook my head and pulled the graphtyc to my chest. The flames were warm, but it didn't burn me.

When we arrived at the castle the same guard that talked to me helped me off the horse. I glanced behind me and saw a smaller group of guards carrying a small cage with a black blob inside. My eyes widened and I went to run towards the cage, but my cuffed hand prevented me from doing so. When I got a better look at Sunny I saw that there were a couple of arrows sticking out of him. Before I could say anything I was dragged inside.

I was dragged all the way to the throne room and was pushed onto my knees before the king. The leader of my group of guards explained to the king what had happened. In the process they said that they accidentally killed Sunny, but he wouldn't give up the graphtyc still. "I say we throw the witch in the dungeon. She's growing weaker by the minute. Her spell will wears out soon and we can take the graphtyc. Before the king could even open his mouth Rapunzel burst through the door. "You lied to me." She said and you could practically see the venom dripping from her mouth. "Rapunzel I just heard what happened in Old Corona. I-I assure you my intent was only to protect you." The king said standing from his throne. "From what?! Your own men?!" She glanced over at me and I could see the worry in her eyes. I simply offered her a soft smile and a wave releasing my arm from the flames and held the copy to my chest. "It's time for answers dad. I want to know why you lied about old Corona, and why you've been covering up the fact that our kingdom is being destroyed by those black rocks. What are you trying to hide?!" Rapunzel yelled.

"I'm sorry my dear. I did not want to lie to you. But you are not ready for the truth." The king said. "Ugh dad, we are beyond what I am and not ready for! People are in danger!" The king cut Rapunzel off. "Rapunzel! I am king, and I have the situation under control." Rapunzel turned and started walking towards me before turning around to face the king again. "You know you are not the first person to lie to me and tell me I'm not ready for the real world."

Rapunzel told the guards to release me. The guards followed her orders and they handed me the cage that held Sunny. "I'm so sorry about Sunny, (Y/n)." She said placing a hand on my shoulder. "There's nothing you need to be sorry for Rapunzel. It was my idea for Sunny and I to split up." I placed it on the ground and opened it. "You can stop playing dead silly." I giggled softly and Sunny opened his eyes. He stretched and walked out of the cage rubbing against my hands. The guards were all astonished that Sunny was still alive, even Rapunzel.

Sunny showed me his neck and I untied the fake graphtyc. I pushed both of the copies together making them turn to dust. I carefully picked Sunny up and Rapunzel led me out of the room. "How is Sunny still alive after having 3 arrows through him?" Rapunzel asked as we walked towards her room. "Sunny is a familiar. Which means he's a demon. He can't die just from a few arrows." I said while petting him. "Did you let all of these hit you?" I asked and Sunny sent me a smirk. "You crazy kitty! You got hit on purpose! Don't worry we'll get these out of you."

Rapunzel led me to a room. "I'm so sorry for everything. I hope you weren't hurt at all." She said as she looked down at the ground. I smiled up at her. "They peeved me a little bit, but I'm not hurt too bad. Just...exhausted." I said as I sat Sunny down on the bed. "Get some rest. We can talk more when you're ready." I nodded and she left the room. I sat on the bed with Sunny.

I touched one of the arrows that was going through Sunny only to have him roll over onto his back and show me his tummy. "Any other time I'd give you belly rubs but we have to get those arrows out of you." I said picking him up and making him stand. I carefully pulled out one of the arrows only to have Sunny hiss at me. "Well you're the one who got hit with arrows in the first place!" I said as I pulled another one out of him. He turned around and swat at my hand. "Hey that's rude!" I said as I booped his nose.

I carefully removed the last arrow. "Does that feel better?" He nodded and purred sitting down in my lap. I put the arrows on the bedside table and rubbed my eyes. "Let's take a nap. It's been a long day. Maybe tomorrow we can go and find Sapphires." I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of purrs.

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