Stirring Patterns

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I groaned as I opened my eyes. I looked around me and saw I was in Varian's room. I sat up and groaned again as I felt the pain in my body. I got out of his bed and made my way to find him. The floor boards creaked with almost every step I took. I searched the home, but he was nowhere to be found. Through the windows I only saw the stars. "He must be in the lab. Has he slept at all?" I rubbed my eyes and headed to my destination. My hand pushed the door open and I stood in the doorframe. Varian was standing in front of the amber with what looked like a large drill.

"Work, work. Please work!" He said as the drill was pressed up against the amber. The drill broke and I moved so I was only peaking through the doorway. ", no, no!!!" I watched as Varian shoved the drill away from the amber before turning to his desk. "No! This is useless!" He said as he swiped everything off of it and slamming his hand on it. "It's like it no longer holds the sun drops power!" I tilted my head to the side.

'Well of course it doesn't. The power moved from the flower, through the queen, and into Rapunzel. Rapunzel possesses the power of the sun drop. Not the flower.' I thought while still staring at Varian. He stood there for a few moments probably figuring out that Rapunzel is the sun drop. I watched as he crumbled the flower in his hands. "The sun drop isn't the flower anymore." I watched as the flower was reduced to dust. "It's Rapunzel." His voice was different. Even when he's upset he doesn't sound like that. His voice was a lot deeper and it honestly scared me.

"S-Sapphires?" I said quietly as my head still peaked through the doorway. His head whipped around to face me. I noticed his eyes flickering, but they would stay grey longer than they would stay blue. "A-are you o-okay?" I asked as I came out from behind the doorframe. "You're awake!" He said dodging my question and covering what was on his desk. "Y-yeah, but are you okay?" His head lulled forwards and he turned to face me again. "Yes I'm fine." He said with an attitude. "Can we talk?" I asked looking down at the ground. Varian walked up to me and turned me around and he started lightly pushing me out of the lab.

"Not right now. I'm very busy at the moment. Just go back inside and I'll be up soon." He said leading me to the door, but I turned to face him. "If we can't talk, can you at least take a break. It's the middle of the night and the bags under your eyes tell me enough that you haven't been sleeping. I-I'll make my special hot chocolate." I said smiling up at him softly. His eyes turned back to blue and he stared at me with the softest eyes he's ever given me. "Really?" He asked and I nodded holding his hands and taking him with me to the kitchen.

Varian watched as I made the both of us hot chocolate. I placed 3 mugs out and poured the hot chocolate into them and stirred each one of a different direction. "I don't get it." Varian spoke up and I turned to face him. "What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "There's nothing different about how you make hot chocolate!" He exclaimed and I giggled. "Of course I make it different!" Varian gave me a face that told me he didn't believe me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "I put intentions into it and I stir it all one way while setting my intentions into it. You know how sometimes when you drink it you feel like nothing can go wrong and you feel really good and happy afterwards and how sometimes you feel safe and warm?" He nodded. "Stirring clockwise brings positive things your way. Counter clockwise wards off negative energy." I explained passing the only one I stirred counter clockwise to Varian. 'Maybe if I can ward away all of the negative energy from him. It will take awhile if I can only do it this way, but something is better than nothing!' I thought to myself.

Before Varian could take a sip of the hot chocolate, Ruddiger jumped onto the table and took the mug that was supposed to be for Varian. "Ruddiger!" Varian and I both said. Varian rolled his eyes at the raccoon and grabbed one of the other mugs taking a sip. "So which one is which?" He asked taking another drink. "What do you mean?" I asked as I took a drink from mine. "Which way did you stir them?" He asked pointing to the mugs. I giggled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Honestly I don't even remember which ones which." I said before taking another sip.

We talked for a little bit longer before Varian's sleep deprived state started to take over him. I took him up to bed where he fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow. After I made sure he was asleep I snuck back down to the lab. I started looking through all of the papers covering his desk. I saw a few pages with Rapunzel, but something caught my eye. I saw blueprints? It looked just like the automaton from the tunnels. 'Whatever Varian is planning, it can't be good.' I took two piece of parchment and started writing on them.

One was for Sunny and the other was for the princess. 'I might not be able to snap him out of his plans, but at least I can warn her about what's happening.' I waved both of my hands over the parchments and they disappeared to go to them. I stood up from the desk and faced Quirin.

I moved so I was standing right in front of the amber. My hands hovered over the amber and I took a deep breathe. Magic flowed through my hands and around me. A red mist was covering my entire body as well as the amber. I bit my lip as pain started shooting though my body. 'I-I thought the pain was over with.' I shook my head. 'I-it doesn't matter! Maybe if I can get Quirin out, all of this will be over!' My body was in excruciating pain, tears were streaming down my cheeks, my ears were ringing, and something I could only assume was blood gushing out my nose. "AHHH!" I screamed and I saw the amber start to melt. Not much but slightly. 'That's it my dear!' The voice said in the back of my head as my vision started to blur. A growl made its way up my throat. 'I will get Quirin out of here before I ever let you take over!'

My eyes started to roll back into my head, but before they could go back completely, I felt arms wrap themselves around my upper body forcing me back. My concentration broke causing the red mist to vanish and the amber to harden again.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS AGAIN! YOU'RE HURTING YOURSELF! PLEASE! STOP THIS!" I heard Varian yell at me and I heard what sounded like crying. "I can't lose you too." I heard Varian whisper into my shoulder as he cried. We both sat on the ground and I was looking at the base of the amber. "I-I just th-thought that I-if I-I could m-melt a weak point...then the wh-whole would shatter." I said trying to catch my breath. "This is the third time I've caught you doing this." He said hugging me tighter. "Please (y/n). Promise me you won't try to do this again. You're only hurting yourself and I don't want to walk down here and find you gone to."

He said whispering the last part to where I could barely hear it. I sighed turning to face him and what I saw broke my heart in two. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, tears were streaming down his face, and his face was sunken in like he hadn't eaten in a few days. I brought him into a tight hug. "I promise. I-I won't try to melt it again." I said hugging him tighter. 'I can't break the promises I've made to him. The least I can do is try to figure out what he's planning and try to figure out what's wrong with him. My first guess would be...oh no.'

Gut Feelings (Varian x Witch!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now