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(Y/n)'s POV:

I stared out the window and I saw people approaching. "Varian." I said and I nudged my head towards the window. He came up next to me and his smirk widened. "What a happy family reunion this will be." He turned to face Ariana and she gasped. "For all of us." He said his eyes become more void of color.

I watched as Varian placed a dummy of himself by the window and he pulled me to the darkest corner of the room with him. There was slight creaking as the trap door to the tunnels opened. I opened my mouth to say something, but he placed his gloved hand over my mouth. "Why don't you just stay here darling and enjoy the show." He said with a deeper voice and a slight accent. His grip on my jaw getting tighter by the second. 'I'm running out of time!' I thought to myself.

I watched as Rapunzel and the king crawled out from the tunnels and they faced the dummy. They quietly approached it before the king grabbed it and turning it to face them. "What?" The king said before throwing the dummy to the ground. "What is this?!" Suddenly, multiple balls of the raccoon trap dropped onto them.

Varian grabbed his staff before whispering in my ear again. "Stay." He whispered before laughing maniacally revealing himself to Rapunzel and the king. I glared at his back. 'What am I a dog now?!' I thought to myself.

"Welcome back, Rapunzel" he said. The slight accent was now gone and his voice wasn't as deep.  "Varian, I demand you release us, and tell us where the queen is." He said and I watched as Varian walked in front of them to to his desk.

"Your majesty, I know it's hard for you, but for the first time in your life..." I heard a soft squeak and I saw Pascal now in a cage. "You are in no position to demand anything." I almost yelled when I felt something run along my leg. I looked down and saw Sunny. I quietly bent down to him. "I need you and Ruddiger to get Pascal out. I-I'll figure out the rest." I said softly and Sunny nodded before walking away.

"But in the spirit of compromise, how bout I meet you half way. Milady?" I heard him call out to me and I stepped forward keeping my gaze on the ground. "Would you do the honors and show them their beloved queen. I nodded softly and walked around the amber and pulled the curtain away from her.

I watched as the queen looked up at them and Rapunzel gasped. "Mom!" "I'm okay Rapunzel." The queen said surprisingly soft. "Let her go, Varian! Please!" Rapunzel yelled and I could hear the heartbreak in her voice.

Varian stepped so he was in front of the queen. "First, you're going to do something for me." Varian said smirking at Rapunzel and the king. I watched his eyes as I saw them almost roll back. "What do you want?" The king asked with venom dripping from his mouth.

"Oh! So now you care about what I want." Varian said with a lot of sarcasm and I saw his eyes flicker blue. It wasn't for long, but it was reassuring. He laughed before resting his hands on the shoulder of the queen and crouching down so he was closer to her. "All it took was threatening the things you love the most." Varian was about to open his mouth again, but I beat him to it.

"Varian, that's enough." I said as I glared at his back. "Milady, you're no fun you know that?" He said with a smirk as he turned to face me. He stood up and walked to the other side of the lab.

"What are you going to do Varian?" The king asked as Varian wheeled his drill towards the amber. "Yeah, I'll-I'll spare you the details about the sun drop and darkness, blah, blah, blah, and get to the good stuff." Varian said before pulling the sheet off of it revealing to drill to the others. The whole time I was watching his eyes.

'When he's doing something that is actually beneficial to him and what he wants to do, he has more control! When it's something Zhan Tiri wants to do, like capturing the queen, she has more control. M-maybe that can help me! I will get her out of there Sapphires! Just wait a little bit longer!' I thought to myself.

Varian walked over to the rocks. "Unbreakable." He said before knocking on the rocks and walking over to Rapunzel. Varian lifted up her hair. "Unbreakable. To put it plainly, with assistance from my drill, and (Y/n)." He said walking away before he paused and stared at me his eyes flickering from grey to blue at a rapid pace. "N-no! Not (Y/n)!" He said his eyes bright blue before his eyes rolled back into his head.

He smirked down at me as he walked closer and closer. I started to back away slowly before his hand grabbed a hold of my chin, squishing my cheeks in the process. "Oh, but we need her to create a weak point in the amber. This is the only way to release him after all." He said softly as his smirk widened.

He released my chin, but his eyes were still rolled back. "While (Y/n) creates a weak point." His eyes rolled back and were a dull grey. "Rapunzel's hair should be able to shatter the amber, and free my father." He said walking away from all of us and towards the amber.

"What do you mean should?" The king asked glaring at Varian. Varian turned slightly his eyes flickering blue and grey. "Oh, I suppose it's just as likely the amber shatters Rapunzel. I mean the properties-" Varian was cut off by the king. "Absolutely not!" The king said unsheathing his sword.

"It's not your choice, dad." Rapunzel said and I stared up at her. 'She's not actually considering this is she?!' I thought to myself. Varian rested his arm on the kings shoulder. "She's right, dad." He said mocking them and I rolled my eyes. "If it makes you feel better, she's not the only one risking her life." Varian said as he turned to face me. His eyes had rolled back and his smirk widened.

"Think about our favorite little witch, (Y/n). One slip up during this and she's done for. All of that time training, protecting those she loves, it would all be for nothing. If she loses even an ounce of control, then her spirit will cave in on itself more and more trying to protect itself before...poof...it no longer exists."  Varian said smirking at me and I glared right back.

I clenched my fists and I felt magic oozing from them. "Ah ah ah darling. You better save that for later." His smirk grew and his eyes rolled forwards and I tried to calm myself down.

"Oh! And I almost forgot, we're, uh, kinda on a time crunch here, so, I'm gonna need to speed things along." Varian said pulling out a yellow vial and pouring it on one of the rocks near the queen. The moment it touched the rocks the same amber started to grow. 'No! He can't seriously be doing this!' I thought to myself as my eyes widened at the growing amber.

"Varian stop!" Rapunzel yelled and he turned to face her. "Well..." Varian walked over to Rapunzel and he dropped a mixture over the raccoon trap causing it to dissolve. "Shall we get started, ladies?" He asked as he smirked between Rapunzel and I.

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