Familiar Faces

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I was running through the kingdom. A cloak covering my face and my boots clacking against the pavement. There were two guards after me. I smirked and jumped onto the buildings running across the roofs. I found an alleyway that had Eugene in it. "I'm sorry were you looking for this?" Eugene said to the guards before throwing a bag to Lance and another bag up to me. "Strongbow and (l/n) are diversions! Get Rider!" The captain of the guard yelled and I kept running. I jumped off the roofs and ran through the town. My hand was grabbed and I looked up. I saw Eugene and Lance smiling at me. I smiled back and pointed my wand in front of us. A large painting appeared before us, Lance and Eugene held it up shielding us from the guards.

We heard the guards approaching and they were all panting. "We lost them." One of them said. Eugene and Lance put the painting down revealing all three of us. "Oh Cmon! Seriously guys?!" I threw the bag on the floor revealing a few books and a teddy bear. "Man, we were so close this time." One of the guards said. "Well, if by close, you mean not even a little, then yes I completely agree." Eugene said. "While I don't have experience with stealing and crime exactly, but yeah you guys were not close. Not even a little." I said putting my hand on my hip. "Fellas if you can't catch us when we're going easy on you, how do you expect to catch this master thief that's terrorizing the town?" Eugene said crossing his arms. "(Y/n) is an amateur thief and isn't even using her magic against you guys and you still can't catch her!" Lance said laughing. I looked up at Eugene. "Should I take that as compliment?" He only smiled and nodded.

"The captain calls him the silent striker." A guard whispered to the three of us. "Yeah I'm not calling him that." Eugene said. "For all everyone knows this 'silent stricker' could be a woman, or multiple people." I said shrugging and putting air quotes around silent striker. "Well, captain, I believe this exercise in humility has proven that my esteemed colleague, Lance here, is more than qualified to assist me in training your men in the fine art of thief catching. So, what do you say? Does he get the job?" Eugene said while leaning against the painting. "No." The captain said before away with the rest of the guards.

"Eh I'm not too sure how I feel about this whole public servant business anyway." Lance said as he walked out from behind the painting. He turned around and suddenly pointed at me. "What about you, (y/n)? What are you here for? Did Eugene promise you a spot on the royal guard too?" I only smiled and shook my head. "No. I had a dream a few days ago of us doing this and then I had a gut feeling when I woke up that I was needed here."

"Yeah no matter how many times you try to explain this dream thing and knowing what's going to happen, I don't think I'll ever believe it." Eugene said turning around before snapping back with a scared expression. "No offense of course." I simply giggled and put my wand in my boot. "None taken! You can believe what you want and I'll believe what I want. If I fought with every person who disagreed with me then I wouldn't be surrounded by people I love and care about." "So that's how you and science dork work out?" Lance asked.

"Yeah! He doesn't really believe in this stuff and I don't blame him. I'm also not as into alchemy as he is, but we still listen to each other's problems or exciting stories about both subjects. We even try to help each other with our problems even if we don't know a lot about the other. Like I make sure to tell Sapphires to take safety precautions. Whether he does or not is his doing. For me he listens and gives me feedback on what I do and he asks questions. Personally I don't really care if he ever truly believe in magic as long as he's there for me in the future." I said smiling to them. Eugene and Lance both looked at me shocked.

"What?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "I don't think I've heard that much come out of your mouth ever." Lance said causing me to blush and look down. "Not that it's a bad thing!" Eugene practically shouted. "Oh! No! It's not a bad thing at all!" Lance said back and I nodded smiling softly. "Are you going to join us in catching this thief today, (y/n)?" Eugene asked as he held up a wanted poster. "As much as I would love to, I have to head back to the meadow. Today is when I do my full meadow ritual, and Varian is supposed to be coming over. I also have this feeling that about four other people might be joining us, so I'll have to be prepared for them. But I'll see you when I see you!" I said to both Lance and Eugene. We said our goodbyes and I started heading back to the meadow.

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