C10_The Pharaoh

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It's another day with (Name), and she's going to the museum with her sister for a school assignment. She knows she could just leave them there with the other people in the house, but she wants to be a good sister.

Meanwhile, Marinette is watching the time she almost revealed her true identity.

Alya is at it again. The video was taken last week, and she is filming the trio's performance. "Don't blink now, because we're live from Paris; it's Alya here, bringing you the one and only Ladyblog."

The camera pans to another young lady. "You've known me as Journalist Amanda, your dependable news source for Paris' superheroes and everyday heroes."

Alya now joins the chorus, as they both say in unison:

"Lady Journalists is the name of our first collaboration!"

A minute later, helicopter sounds can be heard in the background as the two investigate the source.

Peryton is at the helicopter's entrance, pulling Ladybug's yo-yo string while the girl in red hangs at the end of the line. Chat is inside with the pilot, but the two young reporters don't know that.

"It appears that the duo is the only ones present in the action!"

Ladybug's book slips from her grasp, causing her to curse in a friendly way... However, there is no such thing as friendly cursing.

The two dash to where the book has fallen in the hopes of warding off whoever comes to take it. It may be important to the heroes, so they are attempting to safeguard it.

Alya picks it up and films it for everyone to see. "Freak out! This is no ordinary book; it's a tenth grade-"

Amanda covers her and Alya's cameras before taking the the book from her.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

Marinette groans as the video concludes with the two talking about something unseen and unheard.

"Why did I had to go there?!"

"I told you the two could have handled it just fine."

"But they would have been upset if I didn't show up, especially Ailé! We're a team, after all, and I can't let them down; she'll hate me if I don't."

"Ailé understands, and she won't hate you, believe me."

"However, I need to get that textbook back before the two figure out who I am!"

"Does it make a difference if they did?"

"Everyone will start seeing me as Marinette and I'll never have privacy ever again!"

Well considering that Tikki's past holders were burned and accused for witchcraft after they reveal their identity, she understands.

Returning to (Name) and her sisters. Juleka and Rose also decided to join them.

"Aww! Your little sisters are adorable!" exclaims Rose as she hands them two ice cream cones.

"Many thanks!" The twins say.

"If you don't mind, I'll take your photos!" Rose pulls out her phone and begins snapping photos.

"Here," Juleka says, handing one to (Name) as they walk to the museum.

The sisters were just passing through when the two noticed them and decided to buy them ice cream.

"Thank you, and how are you?" (Name) asks as she accepts the ice cream from Juleka.

"I've been good. How about you?"

"Life as uninteresting as ever," she'll say if she's just one of the city's unimportant people, which she is right now, so that's what she said.

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