C24_Princess Fragrance

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The sound of cheering continues on as the performance was filmed live. The elegant movements of a young blond boy captivates the audience in every move he makes at the ice rink. One of those audiences are the (Last Name) Family, in their couch, at home because they didn't have the fund and time to actually attend the Grand Prix Finals.

"Yuri Plisetsky scored 319.53 which resulted him to being the number one in the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri Katsuki with the score of-"

"NO! JJ got third again! Why?!" Mathilda watches in sadness as her inspiration and hero falls on the last rank yet again. She was hoping he'd really win this time but unfortunately, she has to pay to her twin sister for the horrible bet they've made.

"Come here Mathilda, let tante Penelope hug the sadness out of you." The older woman says as she opens her arms for the younger twin who accepts it because of the sadness of losing a bet yet again.

"Ehehe... I told you you'd lose, didn't I?" Madeline smirks in triumph as her analysis gave her another earning. She's been winning bets since someone challenged her on it and she's unstoppable. "Hey, sis, wanna bet on who's gonna eat your chocolate?"

Basically, it's Mirva's chocolate. (Name) turns to the girl with a neutral face, "Don't even try, I have the readers and author by my side."

"Okay, understandable."

Hours after beating a villain that'll probably not show up again, (Name) sits in class while listening to the teacher and Rose. She doesn't have the heart to tell her to keep quiet and tell them about it after school, neither Juleka has the courage so they just listen.

"He's like a true prince charming."

"Perhaps you have a prince charming fetish?" Juleka casually asks.

"Fetish? What's that?"

Juleka's eyes widen and quickly looks down while her face burns in embarrassment, "Sorry, it was nothing."

"It's a form of sexual desire." (Name) answers for her as she props her on her hand.

"OMG, (Name), you can't just say something like that to a kid's show!" Marinette yells as she enters the room, and quickly covers her mouth as eyes land on her, "Umm... Hi."

"Says the person teaching kids to be creep in a kid's show," Chloé scoffs at the girl as she flips her hair in her direction cause Marinette to glare at her.

"Marinette sit your bottom down before I give you all assignments."

"Yes ma'am." Marinette lowers her head in embarrassment and briskly walks to her seat.

Rose wipes her eyes as the two girls start listening to her again while she scrolls through her phone. "He's just so gorgeous and with a heart of gold." She blows her nose. "Oh! You know what? I'm gonna write him a letter professing my complete adoration and utmost respect and no, it's not a love letter."

(Name) thinks for a moment, Rose would have to wait for long before her letter reaches the prince since thousands of people might have been his fans but then again, the is dystopic Paris so...

Rose, like the classical girl she is, finishes her writing, even collecting doodles from Nathaniel and (Name) and pasting it on the letter. She sprays perfume on it before (Name) or Juleka can stop her.

"Rose, I don't think you're supposed to do that in here," Juleka warns her but it's too late, the perfume can be smelt by all the people in the room.

Being a harsh critic she is, Chloé is the first one to comment on it, "Ew, it smells like cheap perfume, who even attends this priva- ahem, prestigious public school and has no money to a proper perfume. We literally have the famous perfume company Le Blume's heir in our class, you could've asked her to change that fish smelling perfume."

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