Chapter Thirty-Five: Puppeteer

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♧♢Third P.O.V.♤♡

Two teens stand, buildings all around then were destroyed and in the verge of collapsing. The boy in front of the girl pants with his sleek hair now messy and unlike how it was when he first appeared.

"Give up now, Victor?" Peryton, also known as (Name), says tapping her wand on her cheeks.

The ravenette glares at her before pointing his blaster towards her once more. It fires straight at her and before it can hit her, she deflects it with her barrier like it's nothing at all. She looks bemused at this whole situation.

The two were just staring at each other when one of the boy's allies suddenly appears behind him. "They're coming!" He warns.

"Well then Peryton! I swear, next time! I'll make you hurt so much that YOU'LL BEG FOR ME TO STOP!" He yells before disappearing from the place.

"Beg for him to stop...?" Melody, the singing heroine appears behind Peryton. She looks like she have been running to get there. "What did you two you do?"

Peryton faces the girl and flicks her on the forehead. "You and your dirty mind."

"What happened?!" Pierre, (Name)'s cousin came running towards her with a worried expression. "I swear, it's been disaster since that new villian appeared."

"I'm thinking that he's just doing that to get close with our girl, Peryton." Melody says with unholy thought building up in her brain. "He's probably your secret admirer or something."

Pierre rolls his eyes, he obviously disagrees with Melody's idea. "To me it looks like he's trying so hard to destroy (Name)."

"Aw. The thought of someone trying so hard to destroy me makes my heart feel warm." (Name) says as she places her hand directly on top of her heart and smiles.

"You're a weird kid."

"I truly am."


Back to the present, in Marinette's bedroom. She's babysitting Manon for the day and they're both playing with the puppets she made.

(Name) sits beside Manon and watches them with a smile. The two couldn't see her tho.

Marinette makes puppet Chat Noir move. "I am here and back again! Ha ha ha!"

"Chat Noir, no." Marinette make puppet Peryton facepalm at her partner's action. She makes it turn to puppet Ladybug. "Hello, Ladybug, you look stunning as ever."

Marinette giggles like Peryton is the one who actually said that. "Glad to see you, my enchanting Ailé. Chat Noir stop acting like your possessed."

She makes puppet Chat Noir talk. "Sure! I'm the cat's meow!" She meows and then giggles.

"He shouldn't say that!" Manon says and (Name) nods agreeing with the girl even if they can't see her.

"No?" She looks at Manon as she frowns and shakes her head. She turns back into controlling the puppets. "This is no time to be goofing around, Chat Noir! We gotta capture the baddies' akumas before they–"

She pauses and looks at Manon. "Actually, what do the baddies want?"

"Uh....we wanna win!"

"Yeah, but win what?"

"I don't know. What do they usually want?"

"Depends. Lady Wifi wanted to reveal Ladybug and Ailé's true identity and Evillustrator wanted to get revenge on a girl for making fun of him! Then there was Rogercop. But the evil Hawk Moth, who makes them bad, wants to take Ladybug's, Ailé's, and Chat Noir's jewels from them! Their Miraculouses!"

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