C16_The Parents

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If you don't mind, I'll just give your parents name cause it's hard writing (M/n) or (F/n) since it tends to be confusing for me. Your father's name is... let's just say Arthur from the legend and mother's will be Artemisia.

"Mama! Daddy! Papa! Mom! Fa-"

"Yes, what is it (Name)?" The girl's father says from the phone, sounding slightly annoyed and tired. It's one week from career day and she needs at least on of them to arrive. "Career day is coming soon and I need at least one of you dear parents to attend or not."

The girl's parents talk in the other line in an unheard manner. Finally, (Name) can hear their voices.

"I think it's your time to shine, dear." A feminine voice says from the other line. She wouldn't mind attending but she's giving the two a time to hang out.

"Why in the bloody world would it be me? You know how I hate talking in front of a large crowd."

"It's just talking, dear. You can do it." Artemisia says to her husband before taking the phone to answer her daughter. "Don't worry, my flower, we'll be there in a few days."

"Great, I'll be waiting."

Four days before the presentation day, the parents arrive from their home country, surprising the twins who we're annoying their older sister in the living room. They kept doing the most annoying things they can think of to test her.

"Look who's here." Penelope says as she ruffles her older brother's hair. She wasn't expecting them, especially before of their situation. "You didn't tell us you would arrive today."

"I'm telling you now."

"Always jolly you are, brother." Penelope says as she and Artemisia walk to the kitchen to make snacks and drinks.

The moment Arthur sits on the couch, the twins hugged him the tightest they can which was very tight. (Name) knows this since that's an ultimate move they use on her whenever they're wrestling in their room.

"You two certainly grew since I last saw you." If Arthur is ever in pain of the hug, he didn't show it. He removes his coat and places it near him.

The twins nod and sit either side of him. They start talking whatever activities they did in school all while (Name) stares at the wall and think of whatever scenario she can come up with.

Penelope and Artemisia arrive to serve the tea and snacks.

"What have you done these past day" Artemisia asks.

The oldest answers, not knowing what else to say. "I've been good."

"I've improved my cooking!" Mathilda says in a cheerful voice.

"I levelled up on writing!" Madeline follows proudly.

"Oh that's lovely, I'm glad and I'm sorry if we suddenly made you leave the country." Artemisia jokes. There's an actual reason why they moved here, it's to protect them from something the adult would whisper about in a secluded place.

"How is Gabriel if I may ask?" Arthur changes the subject with his mind going to his friend. He visit him a month ago but it's good to check up on him once and awhile.

"Same as before." Penelope says, letting out a sigh. She knows that Gabriel loves his wife so much but she never thought he'd turn into something like he is now.

Madeline smirks at her twin sister, threating to reveal her secret to their parents. "And Matilda has a c-" Before she can fully finish her sentence her sister covers her mouth.

Mathilda laughs nervously. When it comes to crushes and such, she will go in great lengths just to cover them. "Sorry parents but it's my secret so you don't have to hear it!"

Her behaviour causes (Name) to think back at the time exactly a week ago when they were at the park with her sisters and a few friends for a skating practice, the roller skate not those 'knife shoes' as a certain Russian blond calls it.

"(Name)! You've improved real fast!" Alix says wrapping an arm around the girl as they both slowly glide in the view of their friends who were present watching them do some tricks.

"Give yourself some credit, you were an exceptional teacher." (Name) says with a smile on her face.

On the sidelines, Adrien is smiling like everyone expected him to. No one knows how jealous he is that he was not the one to teach his childhood friend how to skate.

Nathaniel smiled at the two as he mentally compares them to a graceful ballerinas. Inspiration immediately comes to him and he starts drawing.

Kim, who came here hoping to tease the girl if she ever makes any mistakes, so far has seen nothing but that doesn't stop him from giving criticism since he knows nothing about skating.

Sabrina constantly cheers for her friend while chatting with Rose. Chloé is not with her today because of a spa appointment she went on.

Juleka is also among the watchers. She's focused on the two but constantly remarks on the girls' conversation and peak on Nathaniel's drawing.

And of course, the twins are present too... (Name) and Alix finally finished their skating session and the just turns to see her sister staring at Adrien. She immediately recognises that look along with Madeline.

"Nice view, huh?" Madeline comments while smiling at her twin sister who was still staring at the boy.

Like a lovestruck teenager that you see in movies, Mathilda let's out a sigh, "Yes."

"I never thought you'd be the type to stare." (Name) teases her little sister causing her to finally pull out from whatever world she's in.

"I wasn't staring!"

"Sure. Whatever you say."

Hours later after her parents' surprise arrival, (Name) is now looking at the sky from her balcony. Darkness covers the sky with it's stars twinkling along with the city lights and the air peacefully blowing with no trouble tonight.

"What's in your mind?" The kwami asks from her holder's shoulder, watching the night sky with her. A serene look covers her face, it almost looks nostalgic.

"I wonder if there are other worlds out there. I can't believe all of them are created just to be empty."

"Maybe one day you'll see..." Mirva let's out a sigh, sitting on the railing and after seeing no one is around, she lets herself glow. The animals she adored, the peryton's glow always calms her down.

"Give me answers to my question, Mirva, how did you exist?"

"As same as every kwami: I was created."

"That's not what you said the first time."

"One day, it will all make sense to you but for now, I'm keeping my promise."

☆Miraculously☆ (Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now