C18_Days After Feb. 14

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"You can't marry a man you just met." The blond beauty says from the film called 'Frozen'.

It's a pretty relaxing day. These are one of the rare moments when the sisters don't just hide in their rooms. The show seems interesting so here they are, sitting on the couch.

"But it's true love! She can't just say that! They're perfect for each other and they sang together." Mathilda says still not knowing the ending. She's snuggling on her oldest sister left side, slowly stealing her snack.

"I don't know... something's wrong here, usually the Prince and princess always get together in the ending of the movie but this here, it's too early." Madeleine comments from the right side. She has a thinking pose on, she does this when she's trying to guess what would happen before the movie even ends.

"Don't overthink while watching, Madeleine. It would ruin the 'magic'." Their aunt Penelope says while sitting on the chair in a very 'unladylike' manner. It's the sitting position that girls always like to do even if it's inappropriate for some people.

A little bit of time skip after singing along, and commenting what they think, they finally get to the scene where Hans is revealed to be the villain all along.

"No! I trusted him! Why?!" Mathilda grips on her sisters arm while shaking it. "My nickname for you is no longer 'Hans-some'! It's plain Hans now!"

(Name) is used to people yelling at the TV by now. Her grandmother is even worse, she yells and react to everything she thinks of while watching.

"That's interesting but, how in the world can a door be opened by a carrot?" Madeleine asks looking at her eldest sister for answers.

"Magic or create your own explanation... Tho, it would be interesting to see if Olaf didn't open it on time."

Then the scene where Hans was about to kill Elsa came causing the youngest sister to panic.

"Behind you!! Turn around! Turn around! Elsa!" Once again the youngest, Mathilda was the first to speak desperately calling out for the girl behind the screen who can't even hear her yells but the neighbourhood sure do.

"Mathilda, respect the neighbours." Penelope says and this causes the younger twin to immediately shut up.

"True love's kiss is a stupid spell breaker. Why not hug instead? Hugging is pure and nicer than kissing." Madeline says unbothered by her yelling sister.

"Anna! No!"

"Matilda, hush."

"Anna reminds me of Mathilda for some reason." Penelope jokes.

Then it came to an end and (Name) stands up stretching her muscles. That was nice but she has to go back to her room now. She's missing her bed and pillows. She has to be the first one to say it so she can have a reason to leave earlier.

"Okay movie time is over, let's clean up."

(Name) picks up the thrown pillows around the living room to return it on their respective places while the older twin, Madeleine went to wash the dishes they've used, and Mathilda does the vacuum cleaning.

"I'll go back to gardening so, girls, if you need me, I'll be at my usual place." The older woman says.

Later that evening, (Name) is lying down on her bed with her phone on her hand. She's talking to Adrien on the phone as Mirva hovers around eating a chocolate with 'joy' written on her face. You can't actually that she's happy but you can feel it.

"I've never known the original stories were that dark." Adrien says referring to the original fairy tales (Name) suggested him to read. "Even so, it was nice and it has some lessons."

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