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⊙This is still the part where Adrien doesn't know that Peryton is (Name)

(Name) is preparing to go swimming with her friends, she checks the room if everything is fine since no one except her is in the apartment. Nodding her head, she prepares to go out when she Mirva pops out.

"Suit up." After the kwami said that, a giant gorilla passed by the apartment and also destroyed (Name)'s balcony.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yells and a toy remote-controlled helicopter appears. "A helicopter? It really isn't a good time to play."

Just as Ladybug starts controlling the helicopter, Gorizilla grabs her and Peryton also appears. The villain tries to hit the girl who simply dodge.

"Are you both alright over there?" Peryton yells at the teens in worry, especially Ladybug since Gorizilla has her on his first while trying to hit the other girl.

"Don't worry, just try to keep him still!"

"Alright!" Peryton floats at the height that the ape can't reach her.

Inside Gorizilla's left hand, Ladybug manages to maneuver the joystick of the remote to control the helicopter in order to distract Gorizilla. The helicopter first goes into his nostril, before it flies up and hits his eyes with its blades. Gorizilla roars in pain and ends up setting Ladybug free. He then tries to attack the helicopter.

Ladybug then wraps one end of her yo-yo around the villain's thumb, leaps off the building, runs through an office floor she enters through a window, jumps back onto the roof, and pulls her string to loosen Gorizilla's grip on Adrien.

Adrien without hesitation, jumps down and Peryton quickly catches him before flying him down on the ground.

Everyone who is in relief and cheers when the boy is brought back to safety.

Wayhem, Adrien's fan runs up and hugs the blond boy. "You're safe!"

Meanwhile, Ladybug is grabbed by the villain once again so Peryton quickly goes back to her. She freezes the gorilla's causing him to loosen his grip on Ladybug.

"What's the plan?" Peryton asks as she carries Ladybug on her hand while she floats and also tries not to look down since... heights.

"I-" Ladybug's earrings suddenly beeps and Gorizilla also jumps to where Adrien still is. "We better find where the akuma is!"

The magical girl teleports down in front to Wayhem who's trying to protect Adrien by spraying the perfume on the villain's face. "Ha ha ha! Now you won't be able to sniff out Adrien, will ya, you big hairy ape!"

"Nicely done." Peryton praises the boy causing his face to burn from the attention he's getting. He turns to freeze the ape on the feet but that won't hold him for long. "Ladybug hurry up and recover!"

Ladybug nods and quickly swings away. "I'll come back, I promise!"

"Thanks for your help! Now, you better run before you get hurt!" Peryton tells Wayhem and carries Adrien bridalstyle before jumping away.

"I think we lost him." Adrien says as Peryton places him on his feet while looking out for the villain.

"Stay here, I'll signal Ladybug and Chat so they'll know where we are." Peryton instructs the boy before walking to the subway since she knows that Adrien has to transform.

Meanwhile, Gorizilla spots the helmeted 'Adrien', really Wayhem, kicking the wheels of several cars to create loud alarms. He lands behind him.

"Over here!"

Gorizilla is about to grab 'Adrien', but Chat Noir uses his staff and blocks him. 

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"  Gorizilla tries to grab Chat, but he jumps down to the ground. "Don't worry, 'Adrien', I won't let him touch a hair on your head!"

Chat Noir repeatedly dodges Gorizilla's hand and Peryton arrives, she notices the difference but doesn't say anything and just uses her spell.

"Nice of you to finally arrive, Chat!"

"Sorry for being late, ma'am. I had something to take care of."

"Chat, trap him there." Peryton points the place directly above the Metro.

The girl in red also arrives next to Peryton. "I have arrived!"

"Get down the Metro and search his pocket for the akuma" The magical girl tells Ladybug who nods and quickly runs to the place. "Be careful!"


Peryton goes back to annoying the ape with Chat.

"Missed me! Missed me! Missed me again! That's it, big guy. Come on, just a little more." The blond boy finally has him where they want him. He runs underneath Gorizilla to where he's directly above the Métro station. "There! Cataclysm!"

The pavement caves in and trap Gorizilla in the destroyed road.

After a moment, the Miraculous light fixes the destroyed pavement and puts Gorizilla back on top of the ground, as Ladybug arrives next to Peryton and Chat Noir. Gorizilla then turns back into Adrien's bodyguard.

"Pound it!"

Ladybug calls 'Adrien' in the distance. "'Adrien', are you okay?"

"He's totally fine! Right?" Chat looks briefly at Wayhem. "See?"

"Well that's it, let's go. I gotta go swimming with my friends." Peryton says dragging Ladybug away.

"Wait. Swimming?!" Ladybug asks, she's also going swimming with her friends so maybe she'll see Peryton there. She starts imagining what the magical would look like in the swimming pool.

"Hey, are you okay?" Peryton asks since Ladybug has been silent for minutes, this pulls the girl in red back in reality. People are already swarming around them.

Ladybug blushes and can't form a sentence on her mouth. "Uhh... Ah I! Bug Out!" She swings away, living the magical girl to sign the autographs that are waiting for her.

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