C83_Chat Blanc

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Marinette will carry it out today! She's going to actually do it; even Tikki is in agreement with her choice.

Even though they are physically close to one another, Tikki is sick and exhausted from not seeing her kwami companion, Mirva. They have had an unbreakable relationship since the dawn of time. This is the first time their holders have been told not to expose their names.

Kagami, Adrien's rival and friend, was just dropped off. Since her mother was preoccupied, she requested him to drive her back home, and Adrien naturally agrees. She may be his opponent, but that doesn't mean he should treat her badly; in fact, he might even be able to pick up a few lessons from her.

He arrived home where Natalie waits for him just to tell him that he was late. He enters his room and suddenly remembers something. He and (Name) were supposed to go somewhere today!

"Plagg! Claws out!" Adrien yells, probably heard by the people in the house. Good thing they're too busy to understand what he's saying.

Meanwhile, (Name) is enjoying her day until some will call her, either Chloé or the girls. She isn't aware that a certain girl in red is watching her on the other building.

(Name) starts singing, it doesn't matter if her voice is good or bad, she just wants to sing.

"If you weren't born with it
You can buy a couple ornaments Just be sure to read the warning, kids
'Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it
Sexual, hey girl if you wanna feel sexual
You can always call up a professional
They stick pins in you like a vegetable."

Ladybug is enjoying the show on the building she's in. She props her head on her arms as she watches with a love-struck smile.

You know the feeling when you really really extremely want to hold a fictional character or a person that this extremeness causes your heart to hurt, but they're just not real or don't love you so you just make up a fantasy in your head where you're together?

That's a long question but that's what Ladybug is feeling right now, except she's going to do something about it. If your know an official name for the question I just ask, tell me I can know.

"You have this Ladybug, you can do it. She loves you and you know it." Either Ladybug is right or she's just delusional like how she says she's unpopular when she's actually not.

To where she is, bored Mirva watches her holder sing loudly like no one is around, which is true. Almost 80% of the world's population has disappeared back in 2012 like someone Thanos'd them all. At least that's what the others are thinking.

Anyway, Mirva can feel if another holder is near just like how she can feel the others, she looks across the apartment to see Ladybug. She always thought the pigtailed girl was creepy, especially after she entered (Name)'s room just to watch her sleep... or was that Mirva's dream? She doesn't know, she's probably getting old.

Ladybug finally decides to show herself to the girl, she jumps and lands on her balcony. "Hey, Ailé, I love your voice."

(Name) quickly stops singing and slowly turns around. She's embarrassed that someone was listening to her sing all along. She would've been fine if she was aware that someone was watching her.

She regains her cool and ignores what just happened. "Ladybug, what a pleasant surprise. What motivated this visit, exactly?"

"You did." Ladybug can't believe she's doing this, should she remove her mask before confessing to her or stay as the confident Ladybug? She had been a good friend to (Name) right? So removing her mask can increase her chance with her.

"You flatter me." (Name) says, trying to figure out if this was an akumatized person's illusion but by Mirva's lack of reaction this must be the real Ladybug. She's surprised how she found out her identity, she never took her as an investigative type.

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