C4_Mr. Pigeon

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"You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, and it must be your own design."

The principal faces the class with a serious face.

"No cheating because you will surely be brought to justice if you do. Now, in ten hours your fittest presentation will be judged by none other than the great fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, the father of our very own student Adrien Agreste."

He turns his attention at the blond celebrity. "In fact, Adrien will model the winning design in his next photoshoot. Judging along with the fashion king is the famous Marie (Last Name), who is coincidentally the aunt of (Name) (Last Name). And now, to announce this year's theme: derby hats."

'10 hours?! I... I guess that's ok. I'm too unmotivated to be in this contest right now.' (Name) thinks to herself. She feels lucky to have her aunt as a judge and she's hoping that the teacher won't be giving the performers extra points.

Juleka, who is the girl's seatmate at the moment, looks over her seatmate's paper to find her face drawn on it. The girl raises an eyebrow and hides the fact that she feels flattered with someone drawing her.

(Name) noticed Juleka looking at the mini picture she drew of her. She smiles at the girl she didn't know well. "What? You looked pretty so I had to draw you."

The girl with purple striped hair blushed at this. She moved a piece of her hair behind her ear. "T-thank you."

Juleka thinks she likes the girl and wants be friends with her officially. They were already friends but not that deep. What she didn't know is that this is the first phase until she completely falls for the girl.

School's finally over and our main character is just wandering around before Adrien or Chloé drags her somewhere. She overhears Marinette which wasn't that hard since she's just speaking loudly.

"Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat! I don't have any derby hat designs. I've got top hats, caps, even two horned hats! Need a beret? I'm your girl. A sombrero? No problem-o. But a derby?! You know what? It won't even matter, cause I'll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mr. Agreste and Ms. Marie, give them a full blown concussion and they'll hate me! Adrien will also hate me! I'll never be a world renowned fashion designer. My LiFe Is OvEr!"

Seeing the clumsy girl yelling made (Name) decide to talk to her. The fashion designer is being dramatic and is crying on Alya's lap.

"Yo, (Name). Wassup?"

The girl smiles at Alya. "Nothing much, just heard a certain blueberry eyed talented fashionista doubting herself." The girl knows she shouldn't be here saying that but she just is so she has to say something to make the girl not completely dislike her because she's friends with the certain blondies who are her rival and her crush.

"Yeah, she's being overdramatic."

"More dramatic than I've ever seen Chloé do."

Marinette by now is looking up from where she's been crying from. "You both do know I can hear you right?"

"That was a goal."

Marinette doesn't answer but hands the girl her sketchpad and she doesn't even know why she did that. She probably thought being related to a fashion designer can instantly turn you into a prodigy.

(Name) flip the pages to see the sketches while either humming or nodding to herself. "These just look fine to me."

"When I hear 'fine' I hear a flat line (Name), a flat line! Just say that it's horrible. This is where my self-doubt is coming from."

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