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Amanda and Alya film in a distance as the trio finish another job well done. The super fans as always, have been running around the city just to follow them.

"Let's get an interview." Alya says and began walking towards the heroes with the younger girl following her. They have to be quick before the others get there. Competition is high on who gets to interview. "Ailé! Interview time."

The doe walks to where they are. "Alya, Amanda, what can I do for you?"

"Okay. Let me read out my followers' questions for you?" Amanda checks the comments on the question she posted earlier. "Okay. First one, how old are you exactly?"

"Neither a child nor an adult."

"My turn. The son of the president recently asked you for a date, as we all know, did you go?"

Flashback to Ladybug scolding on how she shouldn't be going on a date when she's a superhero, everyone knew that she was just jealous. Chat also tried to stop her.

She didn't plan to go but while they were talking, they somehow got found by the president's son himself. The two had to leave since their time is up.

Back to the present. "Went like any normal date."

Alya raises an eyebrow. Her livestream is getting tons of notification. "Does that mean you two kissed?"

"My definition of what a date is must be different from the world's." Peryton replies.

"She means no. Now second question- Is Cerf Ailé and Peryton the same person? You know, the one in Constellation Aurelius?"

"You mean the superhero team from Nivera?" Alya thinks for a minute. She looks at the pictures that her followers sent her, she compares the girl in the picture and Peryton. "Of course! Why didn't I think about that? She's been gone since you arrived here."

"Yes and no."

"Next question. Do you have a lover?"

Meanwhile, Chat and Ladybug are talking about their role. "I don't call the shots, bug. You're the superhero who captures the evil akumas, Ailé is the glue and smarts- and I am the cunning, ultra-charming Chat Noir."

"Right, you have it easy." Ladybug tells the black cat.

"Easy? That's 'cause I make it look easy."

"What's easy?" Peryton arrives after answering various questions from the two aspiring journalists.

"Chat Noir's job." The girl in red answers before turning to the blond boy so she can scold him. "As cunning as you might be, that little prank you pulled earlier almost made my Lucky Charm fail!"

"D'you know why Master Fu gave you the Ladybug Miraculous instead of me?"

"Because it requires someone with a sense of responsibility?"

"No, because you don't have a sense of humor and you kinda act like Luther... from whats-that-show."

Ladybug looks offended and irritated. "Pfft, whatever."

"Uh hey... Look, it's no big deal! You have so many other great qualities, although not as great as a certain someone but still great. I'm just in charge of the humor department for some reason... wow, saying that makes me realize that I've been a clown all along. It's just sad that I turned into a failed comic relief." Chat let's out a sigh before his ring starts beeping.

"You'd better get going before you lose your clown costume."

"Okay, commander Bug."

"Where did that come from?" Ladybug asks, clearly unamused as always. Chat never answered since he's already disappeared. She turned to the girl beside her. "Wanna go on a date?"

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