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"Do you think your friends would like me?" Kagami asks as she hides behind (Name) as they near the Liberty. She's holding her hand, not wanting to let go for the fear that she'll be left alone with strangers.

"Don't worry, they're quite a friendly bunch." Adrien says, trying to reassure the girl.

"Hey, it's alright. We're here for you." (Name) smiles as she gently squeezes her socially awkward friend's hand.

Meanwhile, Marinette is learning how to play guitar with Luka. She isn't much of a musical person but she read on an article that singing or playing a song for someone would capture their heart so she's trying out.

"Ouch. How do you even press the strings without feeling pain?"

"Long years of practice, I guess." Luka simply says. He always looks so chill and cool somehow and for that, Marinette is sometimes jealous.

The baker girl places the guitar on her lap, preparing to ask him for an advice on how to be cool when Adrien enters.

"Adrien, bro, what's up? Cool of you to join us." Alix greets the boy who waves at her. She notices someone missing and it's really unusual for Adrien to be here at this hour. "Where's (Name)?"

(Name) enters with the shy Japanese girl still hiding herself from the new faces. "I am here."

"(Name), who's the cute girl?" Mylène asks as she walks over to the girl to give her a hug. She looks at Kagami with her usual smile. "I don't think we've officially met... Hi, I'm Mylené."

Kagami looks at the hand offered for her to shake. After a beat, she shakes it. "Kagami."

"(Name)! Adrien! Kagami!" Alya yells the newcomers names in surprise. Last time she checked, the girl's schedule was busy.

"Hi." Juleka shyly greets her crush with a smile. She smiles back at her.

"Juleka, you look as cute as ever."

Good thing Alix talked or Juleka's stuttering mess would have been heard. She's even worse at handling situations like this than Marinette.

"Your father let you out?!" Alix walks closer to them. She's lowkey jealous right now but she knows how Kagami is so she doesn't dare do a thing.

Adrien gives one of his rare mischievous smile. "We're officially at fencing practice right now, but- Oh, no. Isn't this the wrong address?"

"Oh, dear, I think you're right."

"You two are already a prodigy in fencing so why even bother." (Name) is jealous of their skill, really jealous how they move gracefully cut up things into ribbons.

These particular rival seems to be good at getting along and even help each other along the way. They'll most likely be fine with being in (Name)'s harem since they consider each other worthy of having the girl... at least this is what Mylené is thinking.

The first thing Marinette does when she sees Kagami still holding (Name)'s hand is to frown. She's not even trying to hide it.

"...Hi, (Name), Adrien. Hey Kagamoo-- Ah, Kamoogi-- Uh Kagami... Excuse me, there's something wrong with my tongue today."

Kagami isn't that naïve when noticing expressions like the one Marinette is wearing. She might have a clue why she's feeling like that so she just smiles at the designer. "Nice to see you too, Marinette. Have you come to watch your boyfriend rehearse?"

"My boyfriend?" She asks then looks at Luka. "No. He's just a really cool friend who happened to be teaching me how to play a guitar."

Anarka shouting from the boat's deck above, catching the teen's attention. "I will NOT be your second choice!"

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