C21_Horrificator II

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Peryton gets in the school without problems and now, she has to locate the students or any students needing help. Thinking they're most likely in the classroom, she heads there just in time to see Horrificator attacking them.

"Heeelp, help, help!" Nathaniel screams which caused the monster to grow.

"Ailé told you not to yell in fear!" Nino yells at the boy.

"Awesome." Juleka securely wraps (Name)'s scarf on her neck as she stares at the monster with the camera in her hand. She's the one who suggested the design and painted it, hoping it would come alive and now it has. She stares in awe as Horrificator roars at her. "So awesome..."

Peryton immediately notices the effect and moves to save Juleka before she can fall victim to the goo.

"Eww! What's your name, Drool-lator?" Chat Noir teases the monster to distract it from harming the students.  Horrificator spits goo at him, but he avoids it with his staff. "Cats aren't afraid of slimy toads like you! Nice to see you, Ailé!"

"You too, cat."

"We better hurry and find out where that akuma's hiding!" Ladybug turns to Peryton who is holding Juleka and a flash of jealousy covers her mind but she ignores the feeling and focuses on defeating the villain instead. "Ailé, got any ideas where it might be?"

The said girl lets go of Juleka who thanks her then turns to answer Ladybug. "Look for anything different... and fear feeds it but like Juleka here demonstrated, show no fear and the fear shall shrink."

"There was a demonstration?" Nino asks so he can join in to the conversation. He's barely keeping the excitement of seeing the girl.

Peryton sees a goo coming at their way so she quickly blows it back to the monster. "Move, Nino." She gently pushes the boy to the rest who are heading to the court.

"Eiiii! She knows my name!" Nino fanboys to Alya.

Nathaniel have the sudden urge to scream for help again, "Here I go again. Ahem. Heeelp! Help!"

Horrificator sees the other students, who hide from it in fear causing it to grow. The monster spits goo at the trio again, but they avoid it.

Peryton freezes its feet and Ladybug follows it with her yo-yo. Chat and Peryton resumes their attack before the monster shoots goo at them. The doe is safe but the cat got stuck on the railings.  immobilizing it but it breaks free so. It grabs Ladybug's yo-yo string, spins her flinging her into a basketball hop, and traps her in goo.

Peryton keeps moving to distract it from the students but the monster knows it's priority so this is less effective. It's like its skin is resistance to all the elements she's firing, she really wants to use her arrows right now but it's too dangerous for that.

Horrificator sees Ivan who is trying to protect his friends while Peryton fights the it. The monster recognizes him and suddenly darting pass the doe, it licks him before it grabs Nathaniel and Alix then escapes in a nearby classroom.

"Two students lost..." Peryton says as she helps her team get out of their sticky situation.

"As I thought, you didn't need help after all," Chat says finally free, he looks at Ladybug who they just helped out of her goo prison. "I told you to stop worrying about her."

"I'm naturally worried about her because she's alone fighting the monster! And it's not like I am because I love her or something! Hmp!" Ladybug says and in Peryton and Chat's opinion, she's acting like a tsundere which made her cute somehow.

"Aww, red, that's okay cause I worry about you guys too."

Chat wraps an arm around the doe, "And remember, she has more experience than us."

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