C12_Lady WiFi

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At Collège Françoise Dupont. Miss Bustier teaches the students, while Alya cuts out a picture of Ladybug. She uses the Ladybug cutout and puts it over the student's faces to find out who the red clothed superhero is.

"I'm very pleased with how you all did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up, and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment." The teacher says looking at her class.

Alya sees Chloé, pointing at Miss Bustier. The teacher looks at Alya and asks, "Is Marinette still in the girls' room?"

"Uh, I don't know, miss." She answers, not knowing what happened to her friend as the bell rings.

"Tonight I want you all to read chapter three of the breathtaking France, the First Thousand Years. Then, answer this simple questionnaire." The teachers says and hands the blogger two questionnaires. "See to it that Marinette receives her homework."

Outside the classroom, Alya tries calling her best friend but a voicemail answers her instead. "It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he." She puts down her phone and decides to look for her in the bathroom but still no sign of her.

She sees her two classmates, Rose and Juleka. "Uhh, have you guys seen Marinette?" The two shake their heads indicating that they don't know her whereabouts.

"We don't know but, have you seen (Name)? We have to give her these letters and her homework." Rose shows her five letters, love letters.

Alya stares at the letters held by the girl. 'As if they have a chance with her anyways.' She thought, not noticing she is glaring at the letters causing the two friends to look at each other.

"Umm, Alya?"

"Hmm. No, I haven't seen her." She stops her glaring and leaves after bidding the two farewell. She enters the locker room to see Chloé who is taking something Ladybug themed things from her locker. She realizes what it is, a yo-yo and a Ladybug custom. "Chloé's Ladybug?"

Alya follows the blond girl until she enters her limousine, leaving her standing. She tries calling her friend again to tell her of the discovery. "Hey, Marinette. Ring me ASAP. We gotta talk." She sees Nino. "Nino, wait!"


"Come with me, I need your help!" She drags the boy to tell him of the discovery instead.


Alya shushes him. She tries to call Marinette again, but she receives the same respond as last time. "Ughh. I hate when she goes AWOL. She's not calling me back! Where is that girl?!"

"Seriously. My man Adrien's the exact same way and I can't seem to find (Name), too. But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o. I've been wondering... do you think (Name) and Adrien are dating?"

"Don't talk of such nonsense." Alya checks her phone and sees the news report.

"Once again, the superhero trio Cerf Ailé, Ladybug, and Chat Noir have saved Paris from the clutches of a menacing villain."

"Hey! I think I've just sniffed out who the real Ladybug is! Chloé."

Nino laughs not believing the blond girl to be a hero of any kind. "Chloé? Seriously? She's too self absorbed to think of anyone but herself, much less save the world. You are cray-cray, lady!"

"I am so not! You'll see!"

To where Peryton with her partners are after defeating the citizen turned villain.

"Really Ailé! That move was super awesome!" Chat complements the girl about her fire and ice move they used to defeat the villain.

"Not that impressive really. I almost tripped and might've got burned with my own power if not for Ladybug saving me with her yo-yo. Thanks for the save again, by the way."

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