C22_I Appoint Thee As A Knight

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"When you transform, you and Mirva merge personalities so you might feel different when you're Peryton. It's really fascinating."

"Edward, you've been saying this for days, what's up with that?" (Name) tells the boy who simply smiles at her.

"I do hope you're taking care of yourself, (Name)-chan," Henry tells (Name) causing her to narrow her eyes at him, suspecting something.

"Melody, is it what I think it is?"

The sandy blond girl nods, "Oh yeah, Henry boy is back to his anime phase and is begging me to make him some clothes for his cosplaying."

"B-baka! I didn't beg!"

(Name)'s face darkened at knowing this, "Oh no... I'm not there to... to join him! Henry-kun, gomen."

"Don't worry, (Name)-chan, someday we'll unite and be weird together."

Suddenly, siren sounds are heard is 3 of the 4 person in the chat's background.

"Great. There goes my normal morning, thrown away to oblivion," Melody glares at something outside her window. "Heads up mates, he's here."

"I'll just let this little guy take care of it," Edward says as he places a robot winged cat on his desk for his friends to see, "Meet A.I.900, my new ai assistant who can fight for me whilst I relax."

(Name) stares at the cuties who stares back at her and even winked. "Yeah, I'm gonna call that cutie; Wink."

"I'm gonna go with Wink too, you suck at making up names, Eddy boy. You'll probably name your kid some numbers or something." Melody says as she taps her bracelet to put on her disguise- since the don't have a kwami to transform them, this team rely on technology with a little bit of magic. "Gotta log out honey, someone needs to take out the trash."

"Take care, Melody."

"Gomen, (Name)-chan, I have to go too, the other teams are responding slow as usual." Henry tells the girl, "And take care of yourself and I'll go there make you do it."

"Yes mama."

"That's what I like to hear, but seriously, stay healthy."

"Poor them. A.I.900, take care of the current enemy for me." Edward tells his new ai and it meows before flying away. "Well, I guess it's just you and me now."

"Sorry Eddy, I have school. Bye, love ya and take care of yourself, don't stay up too late." (Name) says before logging out.

Edward stares at the 3 blank screens, those are his only friends and now, he has no one to talk to. "Maybe I should check on team leader." He tries to contact Pierre but then realized that he's most likely in the new mission. "Oh great, no friends for me then. Time for an anime marathon."

A few minutes later and (Name) is now in school, drawing in her sketchbook because of a sudden inspiration that came to her. "Shush, Emma, shush."

"I didn't say anything..." Adrien says, handing the girl the colour she asked for. He keeps admiring how focused she is along with his drawing and Nino can literally feel it.

"Emma, huh?" Nino looks at the girl's drawing, she's between him and Adrien in the classroom and as usual they're the early ones to arrive. "So you admit that you're Emma then?"

Adrien narrows his eyes, analysing Nino's skill and a proper character to name him on before nodding at himself at his idea. "Shut up, Don."

Nathaniel enters and lookat the trio wanting to join them but he's too shy to speak up and talk to them. He is about to go to his seat but stops after hearing them argue.

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