C41_Prime Queen

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Nadja Chamack speaks on the new advertisement for the new television series. "Tonight, for our first edition of Face To Face, you'll have the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to talk live with Ladybug, Cerf Ailé, and Chat Noir. Along with me, Nadja Chamack. We'll be revealing some sizzling hot information about your favorite superheroes. Don't be bemused, it's just the news."

(Name), watching on her laptop, glances at the kwami who's floating next to her. "Should stay or should I go?"

"In my opinion, it's a waste of time but if it raises the morale of the people then go ahead. Those two will probably find you if you don't."

"Huh, you got a point." The both turn back to the screen.

"Don't forget, tonight. Face To Face, live with Ladybug, Cerf Ailé, and Chat Noir."


Peryton arrives at the rooftop of the studio after Chat called her too many times for her liking just so she can come. She looks around for any sight of her two teammates. "I swear if they don't show up in 2 minutes I'm gonna leave."

"Hi Ailé." Chat suddenly jumps in front of the girl.

"Where's Ladybug?"

"She isn't picking up."

"Probably busy with something. Now hurry up before I leave." The girl opens the door to where they're suppose to be while Chat follows her excitedly.


Back at the Patisserie, Alya is playing with Manon, believing that she, Manon, and Marinette are going to watch Face to Face together.

Marinette watches the live broadcast on air and gulps anxiously. The commentator speaks on the screen. "When we return from commercial, Nadja Chamack will be joined by Ladybug, Cerf Ailé, and Chat Noir for an incredible, exclusive interview."

Manon points at Nadja on the monitor. Excitedly she says. "Mommy, there's mommy!"

"Why can't I get an exclusive interview like that for my Ladyblog?" Alya sighs hoping that she can also interview the trio.

Marinette stutters looking for a way to attend the interview. "Oh, I forgot to err, tell my bakery something. They're in the parents downstairs. Do you mind keeping an eye on Manon while I'm not here?"

"Don't you mean tell your parents something in the bakery?

Marinette continues stuttering. "Err, right. Well, err, sometimes, it can take a while - they don't always understand even when I explain. Err, actually, it's not their fault, they..."



"Go!" Marinette leaves the two. In the stairwell, she debates whether or not she should leave Alya to take care of Manon or appear on Face to Face. Tikki tells Marinette that the choice is hers, and she decides to appear on the show.


Back in the TVi Studio, Peryton boredly looks around while Chat tells her some puns so he can make her stay.

"Going live in ten, nine..."

"Seems like it's just you and me." Chat Noir says looking around for the girl in red. "Well, might as well enjoy it."

"Five, four, three..." Just as people are losinh hope in watching the trio together in one, Ladybug suddenly kicks open the studio doors, uses her Yo-yo to fly across the TV studio and lands on the couch, seated on the right side beside Peryton.

Chat Noir, from the left side of the magical girl, smiles at Ladybug. "There she is."

"Hi Ailé, Chat." She greets her two teammates then turns to the news reporter. "I'm sorry I'm so late, Nadja."

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