C61_Reverser II

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(Name) is now at home. She couldn't be with the two on their adventure any longer since she has... chores! She need to clean the kitchen, cook, clean the living room, and some other stuff before the twins and Penelope comes home.

Mirva flies to (Name) who's peeling a potato. "Sorry to interrupt your manual labour, but the butterfly made its move."

"For the sake of Gingy. Why must this happen now?" (Name) asks before asking the location of the villain and turning into her alter ego.

Somewhere above a river. Reverser is flying with Ladybug still attached to his arm. He stops to throw yet another plane. He does it again and again and-

Peryton arrives to blow off the paper planes with her wind power. Bad move tho cause it affected other people and some of those other people is her aunt Penelope.

Reverser smiles before glancing at Ladybug then to Peryton. "You used to be quick on your feet? Now you've got two left feet! Reversion!" He throws the paper plane, Ladybug dodges, Peryton dodges next and it hits its target, the cyclist.

The random cyclist panics. "Aaah!"

"Oops." Reverser smiles, looking and the heroines' reactions.

"Uhh, s-sorry, aah, how do I ride a bike? Uuaaahh!"

"Oh no!" Ladybug and Peryton races to save the Cyclist.

The cyclist falls off bridge and his life flashes before his eyes in slow-motion. Ladybug saves the man in time. "Thank you, Ladybug!"

Ladybug sees paper plane approaching and she tries to block it with arms, to no avail. "Aah! Ugh."


Ladybug throws her yo-yo, it hits the bridge railing and bounces back in her face. She stumbles over a bench ignoring all laws of physics. The yo-yo hits her in her face, again.

"Hahahaha, how do you like your new role, Ladyklutz?" Reverser celebrities for awhile before turning to Peryton who's currently not attacking since as said before, it's unhonorable to attack the enemy while he's distracted. "You're next, doe!"

Peryton shrugs. "Try your best."

Reverser throws his paper plane. "Your miraculouses are mine! Reversion!"

Peryton prepares to use her wand as the plane comes closer but before she can, the heroic Chat Noir jumps in front of her to protect her.

Reverser smirks since although he missed, he still got the other one. "What's up kitty, got vertigo?"

Chat suddenly gets scared. "Whaaaaaaa..!" He jumps on Peryton for protection.


Reverser throws another paper plane towards Peryton who is trying to remove the blond hero off her, it hits her before they bump to Ladybug then the trio plummet on the river.

In the river. Peryton drags the two out of the water and onto the shore.

"Ah, even swimming is impossible with this curse..." Ladybug turns to the side to see the other heroine looking down. "Ailé?"

Chat Noir shivers. "Achoo! Great. Now I'm sure I'm gonna catch a cold."

Peryton faces up and starts crying. "I can't believe this... It's all my fault! I didn't even finish cleaning the apartment. Wahhhhh!!!"

"Wait. No! It's not your fault." Ladybug tries to go to her so she can comfort her. She trips.

Chat panics at the crying girl. "Please don't cry! That villain is so mean! He made her cry! I don't wanna face him again!" He hugs Peryton's legs and they're both crying.

Ladybug facepalms, Chat joining made her stop herself from comforting her crush. "We don't have a choice, Chat Noir. Reverser is looking for a boy named Nathaniel. We've gotta find him before he does. Luckily, I know where to look. Please, Ailé help me out!" Ladybug watches as Chat is refusing to move from his position.

Peryton suddenly stops crying. She looks up in and annoyed expression. "Stupid life, stupid apartment, stupid... water! I'm going to murder that b#tch and stuff those bloody paper planes up in his bloody arse!!" In an angry manner, she forcefully removes Chat off her. "Lead the way bug!"

Ladybug gasps. She knows that this isn't gonna end well if they don't break the curse. She starts leading the way while tripping and hearing curses from the girl behind her along with Chat's whimpers.

A few minutes later...

In front of Collège Françoise Dupont. Chat Noir gets out of a taxi covered in a blanket. Ladybug comes out next while pulling Peryton out.

"You f###! I didn't pay for a b##### ride!!! How can you drive so f(beep)!! I swear when I'm done with you you're gonna make your f●●●ING MAKER!!" Peryton prepares to jump to the driver who's trying to close the window.

"AILÉ, NO!" Ladybug wraps herself and her yo-yo to stop the raging girl. She sighs in relief when the taxi speeds off. "SORRY! SHE'S NOT HERSELF TODAY! AILÈ, NO! PUT DOWN YOUR WAND!"

Peryton suddenly calms down, the girl in red signs in relief yet again before releasing the girl. Peryton hands Chat Noir her wand in a very depressing manner, the blond boy takes it with a very confused expression.

"I don't deserve to be a hero..." Peryton says sitting down on the ground. She pulls her knees on her chest and starts crying again. "Why am I even born!"

"Please, Ailé don't cry. You deserve to be a hero!" Ladybug says trying to cheer the girl up even though she knows it will never work. After sometime, she turns to Chat. "Pick her up."

Chat whines. "But I'm tired!"

Ladybug glares at him this time. "Pick her up! I can't do it since I'll just trip over!"

Chat gets scared and quickly picks up his childhood friend, awkwardly. He starts walking up the stairs. Ladybug crawls up after him.

"I hate art and music! Let's destroy it all!" Jean-Pierre yells as he, Rose and Juleka proceed to throw around paintings and pieces of paper.

Peryton suddenly stops crying. She takes the wand from Chat while still being carried. "SHUT UP! YOU F###ING BLOODY F####!" She freezes them in one swish.

Poor Chat is shivering and trying not to faint while the scary girl is doing that.

Meanwhile, Ladybug is yelling at Peryton to not to it but she did anyways. She holds onto the railing. "Okay! I'm tired of yelling. So Reverser got here first and look. The Louvre is in almost every single one of Nathaniel's drawings."

Chat Noir still shaking from Peryton's action, asks with shaky voice. "Does this mean we have to take another cab?" He receives a glare from Ladybug and Peryton is back to being depressed again.

The trio have arrived at the Louvre and Peryton is back to being violent.

"Nathaniel! We need you, it's an emergenc- whaa!" Ladybug is about to over but Peryton stops it somehow. "This is getting tiring..."

Alix and Nathaniel stares at the trio in shock.

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