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"Hey, Félix?"

"What?" Says the grumpy boy from the other line. He's glad to talk with the girl but he has to act unaffected or she'll probably tease him or something.

"What do you do if you're being chased by an actual peryton who seems unusual aggressive and large?"

In reality, Peryton has no time to tease the boy since she's being chased. She has to run in hidden places so not to catch attention or damage since she doesn't have Ladybug's special move.

The civilians just think that it's her new pet. It's just another day in Paris for them, tho, some tried to intercept so they can take a picture.

Félix quickly types; 'what to do if a pe-' he deletes it and types another that would actually make sense, 'what to do if a deer chases you?'. He fast reads and copy pastes the most helpful on he can find even if (Name) is just joking. Judging from the way she breaths: which is like she's actually running from something, Félix deducts that she's indeed serious.

Peryton hears her childhood friend read out the words as if he's a call agent.

"The best way to fend off a charging deer is to climb out of reach or use some type of barrier to protect yourself. Making yourself look big and intimidating also may deter the deer. If all else fails, you must go hands on, and try to secure the most dangerous parts of the deer. While deer attacks are relatively rare, they are powerful animals that can cause serious injuries."

"Oh yes! Barrier. I can't believe I forgot that." Peryton suddenly remembers her other ability that, the one she didn't use. "Thanks for your help, Félix! I'll call you back later."

Félix removes his earphone and glares at his phone screen after the girl hanged up. He lets out a sigh and smiles at himself for almost acting sensitive again. He hopes he will be the one to end the call in an unannounced manner later.

Meanwhile, Peryton uses her barrier to stop the deer from ramming her through the wall.

"What did I ever do to you?!" The girl yells at the deer. She won't hold on any longer since she's already tired from running. She also missed school so her friends are probably uncontrollably texting or calling her.

They whole class always does this whenever one of them doesn't attend school. It's safe to say that they already consider each other a family or something close to that.

The girl manages to freeze the deer's hooves and conveniently, she chose a location near the manhole. She makes her escape. Luckily, the deer didn't follow her.

The miraculous isn't designed to be used for too long or the holders will lose their identity so (Name) is more than happy to detransform once the coast in clear.

"What's that peryton's problem?"

"It might be a sentimonster..." The tired and hungry kwami says.

(Name) starts climbing the ladder when she came down from. "Let's just go home and hope that the deer doesn't recognize me." She peaks to see a deer hoove in front of her.

She makes eye contact with the animal when it peaks back at her. "For an aggressive animal, you sure do look cute when you're not chasing me." She was expecting a kick but the deer just stares at her.

"Oh good, it can't recognize you." Mirva floats in front of the winged deer just to be licked by it. She used to adore these kind of animal... she still does actually.

(Name) walks out of her hiding spot and observes the peryton who is doing the same thing.

Mayura arrives to check on her creation after she noticed the lack of action. She designed it in a way that it won't attack anyone other than Peryton and she's glad she did.

☆Miraculously☆ (Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now