Chapter one: The Meeting

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It was a cold and windy day, but that wasn't going to stop you from enjoying a chocolate Frappuccino as you were sitting on the edge of a concrete flowerbox that had plated some yellow daffodils . You almost didn't make it some villain thought it would be a good idea to go crazy in the middle of traffic, luckily the heroes had arrived at put a stop to it as soon as it started. You were cold and the pink scarf that took you a week to knit was doing its best to keep you warm, but you decided the sudden jolts of coldness was an indicator it was time for you to return to your apartment. You stuff your phone into your bag and got up, turning on your way home only to slam into someone, and feeling very hot coffee spill on you, whoever you ran into didn't even budge it was like you ran into a wall.

"What the fuck, don't you ever look where you are going!" The person you had just ran into yelled at you, still processing what just happen and trying to not let the hot coffee burn your skin more than it had, you looked up, whoever it was was wearing a baseball cap and a black face mask, you felt bad, some sick man found enough strength to get some coffee and you had just run into him spilling it all over the two of you.

"I am so sorry, have you been burned anywhere, here i have a handkerchief in my bag," you said pulling it out and patting the spot before he snatched it out of your hand and started doing it himself.

"Ugh like my dad wasn't already hectic already," he mumbles under his breath, of course, he was wearing a white shirt.

"What was your order ill go and buy you a new one," you said, he glared down at you

"Just a black coffee," he said, you nodded and ran in and ordered him a large black coffee and bring it out to him, there was still a large brown splosh on his shirt as you handed him the coffee.

"Uh...thanks," he said looking down on his shirt

"I can pay for the dry cleaning or buy you a new one, are you sure you aren't burnt anywhere?" you asked

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm used to dealing with the heat anyways," he said

"Oh have you been battling a fever?" you asked

"I've been in a battle, but not a fever," he said, you were confused

"Then what's with the mask?" you asked

"Got any more questions in that head of yours, you done putting me through the wringer," he said while wringing out his coffee stain.

"Haha sorry, although you do look familiar..." you said those red scowling eyes and blond hair where have you seen them before, you never were good at remembering people's names.

"I get that a lot," he said picking up his coffee and getting ready to leave

"OH wait one more thing," you said taking his cup and taking a pen out of your bag and writing your number on it. "Just in case the shirt is beyond repair ill pay for a new one."

"Right." he said taking his coffee cup back "You are kinda a weirdo you know that, didn't your parents ever tell you not to I've your number to strangers."

"Well if you do turn out to be a creep ill just block you," you said, "hope you feel better sorry about not looking where I was going."

"Sorry for...cussing you out I guess."

"It's fine just a sudden reaction, don't forget to text me if the shirt is too damaged," you said and strolled away.

Once you had gotten through your door you took off your scarf and plugged up the sink and filled it up halfway with cold water and started getting the coffee out of it when you heard your phone buzz, you dried your hands off and checked the message.

Once you had gotten through your door you took off your scarf and plugged up the sink and filled it up halfway with cold water and started getting the coffee out of it when you heard your phone buzz, you dried your hands off and checked the message

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Placing your phone down and returning to the scarf you wondered to yourself if there was a way that maybe he was Dynamight, but that was silly of you to think

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Placing your phone down and returning to the scarf you wondered to yourself if there was a way that maybe he was Dynamight, but that was silly of you to think. He had a tendency to call other "extras" and not really give people the time of day. Still, you were 23 now and didn't have any friends to speak of, most people just said you were immature and they didn't want to hang out anymore, or just simply ghosted you. Maybe this angry coffee guy could be a potential friend, you tried online friends, but they just simply stop talking and logging on, since you were done with school the chances of meeting people in real life had gone from little to none. So making friends with a guy you spilt coffee on was the closes thing you were going to get to meeting someone.

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