Chapter 6: Moving Forward

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You lazily rubbed your eyes opens as you woke up, you were almost startled then you realized oh right you were put in Dynamights safe room because someone put you in danger, the clock read 9:58 and you wondered where Katsuki was, you decided to get dressed for the day and putting your hair back in a scrunchie and opening the door, you remembered the way you got here as you went up the flight of stairs and into the lobby. The receptionist looked at you with her eyebrow raised

"Excuse me, do you have a visitors pass!?" she asked-yelled at you, you jolted at the sudden bomb of her voice

"Oh well no but i"

"If you don't have a pass then you need to leave!" she said getting up from her seat "I have no problem removing you by force."

"But i was brought here-" you tried to explain, before you saw a man behind her smack her on top of the head with a rolled up paper, he looked like he was running on coffee, his last shred of sanity and three days behind sleep.

"You are so loud Ayane, did you forget that Bakugou brought her here because she was put in danger." The man said

"Oh that's the person he brought, well she didn't tell me that." Ayane said sitting back down "learn to speak up next time."

"You didn't let her." the man said looking at you

"IM giju hidarime, just call me Giju i hate the formality talk, this is Ayane Kato, i just call her loud mouth."

"I resent that." she said

"Well I was just wondering if there is an update on the whole ...doxxing." You said,

"The boss I will be able to explain it when he gets here, I'll take you up to his office, he had a long night and is coming around noon." He explained as you got into the elevator with him.

"Is he okay?" you asked

"He is fine, it takes a lot to get the boss down. By the way, I'm the head technician here. I was the one who tracked down the doxxer."

"Wow that's amazing who was it?" you asked

"I think it's better if the boss tells you that...oh we are here." Giju said walking out and heading down a long hallway "Also I have to know what exactly is your relationship with our boss."

"I...don't know one second I'm spilling a coffee on him, second thing i know is that I'm talking to one of the number one heroes in japan, then the next thing i know he is coming over because my address had been leaked it's been a hectic couple of days."

"Well he must like you then, The boss isn't exactly the most friendly with strangers on the street." Giju said, swiping his id that was attached to his lanyard on the door to open it.

"You sure it's okay for me to stay here alone?" you asked

"Why are you a spy?" Giju asked


"Im messing with you, I already did a full background check on you last night and i must say miss (last name) by my better judgement you are no threat, also there are bunch of security cameras in here, along with motion detectors you're not gonna be able to snoop through anything important." he said turning around and leaving. You looked around and wow you had never seen a more boring office with no sign of life, you walked over to the window and could see the whole city and a bird sitting on a perch making a nest, how cute you thought.

You moved over to the desk a computer a blank notebook and a cup holder shaped like one of his gauntlets, you sat down on the couch and looked down to see hero magazine spread across, you thought he hated the media but there were a bunch of covers with heroes from pinky, Chargebolt to Deku. he had one large poster of him hanging on the wall from when he made his hero debut and a shelf of his hero figures, you wondered why they all looked so angry. So this is what a pro heroes office looks like you thought.

Katsuki finally arrived to work slamming the door open and grumbling to himself

"Well look who decided to show up." Ayane said typing away at the computer

"Quite, I don't pay you to announce when I show up." Katsuki said

"You are so right, sir, you pay me to tell all the interviewers to fuck off this isn't a circus only call in case of an emergency." She said

"Exactly...where is the girl who was here last night?" Katsuki asked

"Oh she left."

"What not my fault you didn't catch her on time, by the way I'm sending the report from last night to your office, gotta say Boss...that's a lot to take in." Ayane said

"Ugh just keep the vultures at bay!" Katsuki yelled, heading to the elevator.

"...didn't tell him he left his office though." Ayane laughed to herself.

"Can't believe that idiot fucking left, doesn't she know that even though they caught the person who doxxed her doesn't mean she is still safe!" Katsuki was yelling to himself while walking down the hallway swiping his card and entering his office, only to see you swirling around in his desk chair, you saw him and the chair stopped and you feel off

"I'm going to kill Ayane..." Katsuki thought to himself

"..hi Bakugou haha i was told to wait here for you, I heard they caught the person who doxxed me." you said getting up

"Yhea Giju tracked them down and I caught them." Katsuki said placing his briefcase down on the desk

"Great! Who was it anyway?" you asked sitting down on the couch

"Chuya Kagesake." Katsuki said

"...i don't know who that is...i still don't know why someone would do this, was she like a reporter?"

"No, she was my now ex fiancee." Katsuki said

"...what?" you said "but why would she do that?"
"jealousy, she pulled you into her own insecurities and put you in danger."

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"Katsuki said

"Well I mean...she was your fiancée so it must of been a little shocking to learn she would do that, I can kind of understand how it feels to think you know someone then they do something start to question your judgement." You said, he just sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"I don't need to be analyzed right now, the relationship was falling apart anyways, and stop blaming yourself as well I can tell you are." Katsuki said "And she won't be bothering you anymore, she is going to jail."

"I see, so what about my apartment." you asked

"Ill figure it out, Guji already made a list of places that have the same structure, same price and same price around this area, we will be emailing it to you, also im having an old friend help you with your moving, we should be able to get you into a new apartment by tonight if you make a decision." Katsuki said

"Huh so soon, wow you guys work fast!" you said pulling out your phone and looking through the listings "what about my deposit."

"Taken care of." Katsuki said not looking up from his computer, you kept looking and this was going to be a big change for you, this apartment seemed to be the closest to his vacancy and that may have been the reason you were drawn to it.

"I want this one." you said showing him one

"That was way too quick of a decision." Katsuki said

"Don't worry, my life has been hectic for the last couple of days. I wanna start the next couple of days with an adventure."

"Well if that is really the one you want I can't stop you." Katsuki said, glancing at your smile.


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