Chapter 35: Observation

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You were drying off your face and looked in the mirror no matter how hard you tried to push it down, you couldn't let go of the fact Katsuki had a bunch of red flags stuffed in his bag, they look worn so they weren't new they had to be the ones that were the checkpoints to find the path.

Katsuki on the other hand was bouncing his foot up and down, how he could be so dumb, stuffing the red flags in his bag and not even zipping it, and just keeping it ont he floor, no if he tried to hide it, it would of been even worse to explain himself. So when you walked out with your hand clapped on your other arm he knew that you knew about the flags.

"Hey dumbdumb what's up?" Katsuki asked knowing full well

"Well katsuki...i tripped over your bag and i saw the checkpoints fall out." you said, you looked down avoiding confrontation.

"Oh that, the old flags have been here so long and became so tattered I had to replace them." Katsuki lied, oh how he hates lying to you, the one thing he never wanted to do.

"Oh I see." you said seeing relief form on your face "You got those sweets for me right, I'm gonna have one now."

"He is lying, he is lying." you thought to your self, avoiding eye contact and saying oh that, no he was beating around the bush with that, normally he would of that those things were old as fuck so I replaced them, he was purposefully trying to make you feel better, something was up, he didn't bring anything with him to replace them, you ripped open the wrapper and took a bite out of the melon bun.

"Also Katsuki, how long are we staying here by the way?" you asked

"Hmm dunno a week." he said

Again not like him, Katsuki would normally say seven days, to fourteen days, he lived by a schedule to a T, him being so lax about the time up here was even more suspicious now, maybe you were to trusting, but you weren't dumb when it came to people intent. What exactly is Katsuki planning, you couldn't just outright accuse him, that would not lead anywhere good. You will have to play it low for now, still you were hurt, the fact Katsuki just lied to you, even though he told you time and time again he would never lie to you, or he never lies.

"I see, well I'm gonna brush my teeth and head off the bed, what are you gonna be up to?" you asked

Now Katsuki was raising his eyebrow at you, I mean you believed him right, why were you asking him what he was gonna be up to, no he is just overthinking it, he is the most important person to you, you had shown and told him that time and time again.

"I'm just going to sit out on the deck and enjoy some peace and quiet." he said

That is sounding more like him now.

"Okay have fun, put on bug spray." you said and headed off to the room closing the door and waited, you saw Katsuki go outside, and you snuck out of the room, hey if he was lying to you you weren't gonna be so truthful to him now. You went around the area that Katsuki said he would clean and found a phone, you looked down at the wire and yup sure enough it had been cut, this wasn't the work of a mouse, the amount of times your father would cuss and shove a chewed up wire in your face as child was enough to know this wasn't the work of a mouse.

"What else is he hiding from me." you thought as you pecked out, no sign of Katsuki you saw the back of his head from the other side of the window and went back into the room, something about the internet being down you checked around the area and there it was hidden behind a few boxes a router, it was very old looking so maybe he wasn't lying about that part.

You quickly stepped out and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water then walked outside.

"HI suki." you said sitting next to him

"Thought you were going to sleep." He said, wondering what was up with that nickname that you would use to annoy him.

"I couldn't sleep and I missed you." you said snuggling into his side "Also happy birthday."
"Thanks dumbdumb." he said patting your head "One thing I love about being outside is that you can see the actual sky at night."
"There sure are a lot of stars out." you said "reminds me of my old house."

"Really?" Katsuki said

"Yeah it was very very remote, sometimes I would sneak out and eat from the berry bushes we had in the back and just look up at the stars, usually when I didn't get dinner."

"So you snuck out and ate the stock like some sort of rabbit?" Katsuki said

"Sure did." you said taking a sip "Hate to dampen the mood but my father did not like that, said i was just eating his money, his money like he didn't have me and my brothers do all the work while he longed around on his lazy ass."

"Wow did you just swear." Katsuki laughed

"Sure did." you said "Guess that's why i love to city more, still it's nice to be out here while."

"Sure is." Katsuki said, wrapping an arm around you.

"Sorry for the small manipulation Katsuki but you aren't acting like yourself lately." you thought

"I can tell she is up to something, but what is it?" Katsuki thought

Katsuki could tell you were suspecting him of something, he heard you shuffling about in the background and go into the back room, if you asked him about the cut wire then he would just say a mouse got to it or something, also the fact he unplugged the router and just didn't put it back in, he was to busy and just forget about the fact he had Wi-Fi up here still, some hikers must of been using it or something, Katsuki knew that he couldn't just be brash and go in head first with this, he had to be subtle, but Katsuki was about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. You on the other hand knew people to well, he knew how well you were at reading people. That could pose an issue, why did you have to notice now just when things were going so well. 

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