After story #1

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(hello author here, I have decided to publish a couple of after stories, think of them as one-shots for the story, ill be going into a few details with the relationship I don't know how many of these I will make or when they will be published but I hope you enjoy them :3 )

Everything with Katsuki was going well, ever since the news of your quirk and you taking a bit of time to yourself and casually going on dates with him, it had been going well. The only thing that you didn't like was the fact he was so busy with work, so dates were scarce, and what was even worse was the damm reports that swarmed the two of you when you were enjoying some street food.

Katsuki ended up exploding a camera, and getting in trouble with the Hpsc, you were in the background laughing at the abusrtry of the citation, what you didn't like was when someone shoved a camera in your face, katsuki being well katsuki was still over protective, even with the nullifying bracelet on, so seeing a reporter get thrown across the street by and angry katsuki while you were just trying to enjoy your crape.

Of course the reporters did see the nullifying bracelet and started asking questions, and Katsuki in all his glory told them to shove their damm questions up their ass, shit them out and step in it, always subtle. .

Right now you were reading a magazine, it was getting late you wondered if Katsuki was going to call tonight, he was always so busy it kinda sucked not being in his aprtment now, but this arrangement was the best at the moment, you tossed your magazine on the coffee table and sat back going on your blog feed, maybe being the 'girlfriend' of Katsuki bakugou, the second strongest hero in japan, was giving you a lot of attention not all good attention.

"She ain't even that pretty, why is he dating her."
"She looks so dull :/ Bakugo deserves better if you ask me."

"Isn't she just distracting him from his hero work, how selfish can this woman be."

"Why is he dating someone who is so weak looking, you think katsuki would be into stronger women."

"Yall just jealous." you said sticking your tongue out at the phone before going back to looking at funny bunny videos, when your phone finally rang, seeing "angry pompom boyfriend" pop up.

"Hello~" you chirped

"Hey, you picked up on the first ring, you've been waiting for a call?" he asked

"Maybeeee." you said "how was work, make anyone bleed?"

"ONly the ones that deserved it, altho i got scratch on my arm, not important-"

"NUcked how deep is the cut, i know when you say a scratch it usually means you need stitches!" you said

"Okay fine three stitches, it isn't anything stop worrying about me." he said

"Can't stop me." you said

"Look im going to be fine stop worrying about me, anyway an old class mate invited me to this dumb event, and did youw ant to be my plus one?"

"Really what class mate, what's the event?"

"THe hero Froppy, she has this water park , and she invited all the classmates, except for one to join."

"Ohhh frobby, the frog one, yes her, well the thing is i would love to go but i have a problem."


"I don't have a bathing suit and I'm not a good swimmer." you said

"I'll take you bathing suit shopping dn keep you in the kid section." KAtsuki said

"I'm not a kid." you huffted

"Well you said you swim like one." Katsuki said "besides it will be fine if you are going to be surrounded by a bunch of heroes no one is going to let you drown."

Cute Aggression yandere katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now