Chapter 42: Where did you go?

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Three days had passed since you left, and Katsuki was finally feeling semi-back to normal, as normal as Katsuki could be, all he knew was that Izuku was trying to find you. Still, you walking around with a swollen ankle and not a lot of money on hand was not exactly a good situation.

"So how are you feeling?" Kirishima asked

"Don't you have something better to do than be at my bedside?" Katsuki asked as he bit into an apple

"Hmm not exactly answering my question there," Kirishima said

"I feel like I'm having a caffeine deficiency headache, like back when I was twenty." Katsuki said "Any word from Izuku?" "Not yet, still I think you owe Denki an apology for trying to blow his head off."

"I'll apologize later, I just feel like shit."

"Mentally or physically?" Kirishima asked

"Both, mostly mentally, quirk or not I really went over the edge, doctors said my feelings of protectiveness mixed with my new found romantic feelings combined into this weird form of aggression, I don't even want to think about what could've happened if she didn't get out of there."

"Don't beat yourself up too much buddy, we will find her and figure this out." Kirishima said "you know they actually made a device that blocks out certain types of emitter quirks."

"Sounds Too good to be true." Katsuki said tossing his apple core in the trash can

"Well it was mostly used for heros' to wear when they went on missions with ahem villains who had seduction quirks."

"You think me wearing that will be able to cancel out (name) emotional enhancing quirk."

"I believe so but they are special made to order, Hatsume made them."

"Who?" Katsuki asked

"Hatsume, she was in the support quirk, pink hair." "Not ringing any bells." Katsuki said "Just get me one would you."

"I'll try to get one here asap, but you have to apologize to Denki and a sincere apology." Kirishima said

"I will!" Katsuki said

"Great because he is here."

"Ugh as if my headache wasn't bad enough." Katsuki said, laying back down as Denki opened the door.

"Hey considering I saved (name) and you by a technical I think I deserve more praise." Denki said

"Look Dunce face, i'm sorry i tried to blow off your face, there happy." Katsuki said

"Not really you call that an better then nothing, so how you holding up now that you are less crazy."

"Shut up!" Katsuki yelled

"Ohhh someone is sensitive, anyway bad news is that we still have no idea where (name) is." Denki said

"And the good news?" Katsuki asked

"Uhhhhh.....there is no good news."

"You are gonna make me have a stroke." Katsuki mumbled

Izuku on the other hand was still searching the streets for any word about you but most of the reptiles went like

"Sorry no."

"Haven't seen her."


"Sorry but no."

Izuku kept looking at holding up your photo to them, and well when the number one hero of japan who just returned from abroad is searching for someone they tend to get curious.

"Hmm oh yeah i saw her walking around here the other day, went in that store over there." A nice old man who was relaxing on a bench said "Altho when she caught me looking at her she pulled the hood up and over her face, she came out with a bag full of cup of noodles, young people these days don't know how to make a healthy lunch for themselves young man, have you been eating correctly."

"Yes I have sir, do you know which way she went after she came out?" Izuku asked

"Hmmm I don't but my friend might, HEY WAKE UP THIS YOUNG MAN WANTS TO ASK YOU A QUESTION!"

The other old man snorted and woke up

"What did you say?" he asked

"That young lady we saw yesterday who isn't from around her do you know which way she went?" HE repeated himself, the man scratch his head

"She went that way, probably to the hotels that should be closed down." he said "try asking around there, although the people wont talk unless you got a bit of cash on you." he said before falling back asleep

"Thank you so much." Izuku said before heading off, and just like the old man told him most people wouldn't give him the time of day till he aw one lady smoking a cigarette on the side of the road

"Excuse me, miss?" Izuku said as she took a long in hale

"What do you want?" she asked

"I'm looking for someone and I was told she came around this area." Izuku said

"You are looking for an ex girlfriend, or something, because take a hint buddy if she came here she is trying really hard to avoid you freckles." she said exhaling a large puff of smoke

"No she is just a friend." Izuku said

"Sure buddy, I'm not a snitch." She said

"Miss please-"

"Stop calling me miss, I don't like that formal shit." She said

"Okay look my friend is not exactly in the most stable mindset and she is hurt im worried so have you seen this women?" He Asked showing the lady your photo

"Maybe I have and maybe I haven't, what's it to you?" She said

"How much to get you to talk." Izuku said

"Twenty bucks." She said, and Izuku took out his wallet and handed her the cash

"Yeah I saw her, she is staying at the hotel two blocks that way, she is limping so guessing that's what you mean that she is hurt." she said

"Thank you so much." Izuku said and ran towards her directions, and went into the rundown hotel, the rooms looked about the size of a closet and were very cheap, just in your price range, he rang the bell and some middle aged man came up.

"How long are you planning on staying?" he asked

"OH no I'm looking for someone." Izuku said, showing him the photo of you

"I can't give out information if they are staying here or not." He said, as Izuku pulled out his hero license.

"You think a crappy piece of paper will give you the information you want to hear."

" much for you to tell me if she is here or not."

"500 bucks." he said, Izuku was trying really hard to keep a calm head about this, but forked over the money.

"She is here." he said

"And what room is she in?"

"Oh I can't let you in unless you buy a room for the night."

"Okay how much?" Izuku said

"For you...100 bucks for the night."

"But your sign says 20 bucks." Izuku said

"My business I run it how I want." the man said, and Izuku forked over the money and got his key and would have to figure out which room you were in, if Katsuki was here he probably would have shaken down the guy for answers, but he was still confined to the hospital.

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